Friday, 10 February 2012

School events week beginning 20/2/12 (Week 1)

13/2/12            Half Term Starts.
17/2/12            Half Term Ends
20/2/12            First day back for students

Change of date
Please note that the June Staff Development Day is Thursday June 28th. In early versions of NCC calendar this date was shown as Wednesday 27th.

Media Studies Conference
Our Year 13 Media A Level students enjoyed a great day at a conference on Wednesday this week. A leading speaker on Youth, Media and Identity gave the students a fascinating history of youth subcultures and concepts of 'We Media' as part of a morning of lectures, with Mr Seal as a last minute stand-in in place of a poorly Chief Examiner. The afternoon included a screening of the wonderful 2011 film Submarine, followed by a presentation and Q&A with the film's producer, Ally Gipps of Warp Films, who gave our students a great insight into getting into the film industry. The event, which was the first A Level Media Studies Conference in the region, was organised through a collaboration between CNS Media department and Cinema City, with students from several different schools in attendance and we're looking forward to running another conference in 2013. A great event.