Friday, 23 March 2012

School events week beginning 26/3/12 (Week 2)

  • 30/3/12            Year 7 Reports home.
  • 2/4/12              Easter Holiday starts.
  • 16/4/12            Summer Term starts.
  • 20/4/12            Grades for Year 8,12,13  home.


Ten CNS singers performed ‘Something’s Coming’ from West Side Story with the BBC Concert Orchestra. Katie Wilkinson, Steph Bond, Anna Ross, Molly Cutter, Tasha Nelson, Ellie Bowater, Katie Copeman, Leila Hooson, Sarah Walton and Flora Kernan sang alongside students from Wymondham High and Notre Dame during two concerts on behalf of BBC Music Mix. It was a fantastic experience for all. Some year 7,8 and 9 students also came to watch the concert. Blue Peter presenters Helen Skelton and Barney Harwood who had presented the two concerts met with our students and took pictures with them at the end of the day, rounding up what was a fantastic day!


All Yr. 10 pupils will be sitting a Mock Unit 1 Maths examination next week. This will take place on Thursday 29th March. Pupils were made aware of these last week, and should have begun their own independent study by now. Resources to support revision can be found on the maths section of the gateway. Please encourage and help your child to prepare as thoroughly as possible for this examination, so that results are as reflective of abilities as possible.

Yr. 11 pupils will be sitting their final Mock examination for Mathematics, Unit 3, during the first week back after Easter. As this paper will take over an hour to complete the exam will be sat during two lessons; the first on Wednesday 18th April, the second during Friday 20th April. Again resources have been placed on the gateway to assist pupils in their preparation.

For any further advice or guidance please contact your child’s mathematics teacher or myself.
Curriculum Leader for Mathematics

Message from Mr Nixon

I would like to write more of a personal report this week and start by thanking Neil Frost for running the school so efficiently during my absence.  I would also like to thank the rest of the SLT and all the staff at CNS for their support.

Before half term I received a call from Scotland to say that my mother had been taken into hospital and was seriously ill.  After a number of days of driving back and forth, my mother passed away surrounded by her family.  In addition to this event, soon after the break, I was scheduled for an operation.  The operation was not life threatening but nevertheless I had a condition that needed remedying. I am pleased to say that it went well and it would appear to have been successful.

During all this time I have encountered specialists in various fields, admittedly mostly medical.  I watched fascinated and in awe as significant life or death decisions were being made and saw dedication to the highest possible standard.  What struck me during all these events were the care and compassion of the professionals, regardless the pressure they were under.  Some made light of their skills and played down their achievements but it was clear that they loved their work and gained a great deal of satisfaction from it.

The theme that ran throughout my experiences was dedication; going that extra mile and having the skills and expertise to do an excellent job.  I did not want a satisfactory consultant operating on me or a nurse caring for my mum without compassion.  Schools are no different and although we may not have life or death decisions to make, we do have a huge influence on children’s lives.  To achieve excellence we also have to have that level of dedication that I experienced; we have to go that extra mile and maintain the highest level of professional standards at all times.

It is great to be back.

Jim Nixon