Friday, 2 March 2012

School events week beginning 5/3/12 (Week 1)

  • Friday 9/3/12              CNS Pet Show 6.00pm Arc.
  • Wednesday 14/3/12   Year 13 Parents' Forum.
  • Thursday 15/3/12       Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening 5.30pm.
  • Thursday 15/3/12       Year 12 Reports home.

Sixth Form Success
Congratulations to Theo Jones who has reached the final of the Historical Association Great Debate at Oxford University later this month. We also wish Miles Garner success in the British Swimming Trials in the 200m butterfly on Monday 5th March.

Exam season request
As the exam season approaches, we are looking for volunteers who can support some of our students during their examinations in the role of readers or scibes. A good standard of literacy and written communication is essential for this role and volunteers need to have CRB clearance, which will be organised by the school. For more information, please contact Ina Coubrough in the SEND team:


The last Parents Forum was really well attended and the very useful discussions have been fed into the school development planning process. Many thanks to those who came along.
The NEXT MEETING is on Thursday March 22nd at 7-8.30pm in the Sixth Form Common Room. Topics to include: the tightening up of the current school uniform requirements, the re-launch of CNSA and feedback on progress of issues raised at the last Forum.
More details on the topics in  next week’s eECHO.

Message from Mr Frost

There seems to have been much in both the press and government circles about subject changes and qualification frameworks at the moment and it is hard not to have a little sympathy for students who are trying to make key decisions about their futures to these backdrops. I was asked by a Year 9 student the other day “Do I really have to stay into school until I am 18, I really want to go off and be a plumber?”; the answer is, of course, that the student in question is more than welcome to go and complete an appropriate plumbing course at 16 but it shows the difference between the perception and the reality of the Raising Participation Age (RPA) agenda. Our Year 9 students have risen to those challenges superbly in the last few weeks, and the quality of conversations in school and at home have been excellent as they have completed their options for Key Stage 4.

On a separate note it has been a really busy week at CNS in terms of events; for World Book Day, it was lovely to see the students dressed as their favourites characters and really pleasing to see the amount of money being raised for READ, a charity that supports book donations to more deprived parts of the World. In particular, thanks to Miss Sedgwick and the Year 12 students (Rebecca Pottage, Diphda Richards, Nicky Burt, Miriam Cocker, Julia O’Driscoll, Heloise Ungless, Fraser Stannage, Lydia Christianson-Rix and Deborah Iwo), for their leadership of this charity process. Additionally, the Year 11 Rugby Team won the Gerry Frost Shield against Downham Market on Wednesday (having only played the Semi Final on Monday), so a huge congratulations to all the lads involved. Whilst I appreciate this only captures some of the events at CNS this week, these successes are particularly pleasing, and show the team work and commitment of our students.