- 14/2/13 Year 11 Parents consultation. 17.30 Arc
- 18/2 -22/2 February Half Term.
- 25/2/13 2nd Half Spring Term starts.
- 26/2/13 Y12 & Y13 6th Form Forum. 18.00 Arc
- 28/2/13 Y12 Reports home.
Indoor Tabletop Sale – The Arc - Saturday 9 March: 10.30 – 12.30pm
We have already allocated half of the available space in the Arc and are currently advertising to CNSA members and to students only. From next week we will be inviting the wider community to take for any spare spaces so please don’t delay in registering your interest either by emailing cnsa@cnsmail.org or by leaving a message with the school office. Tables cost £5.00 each.
Message from Mr Nixon
I have been delivering assemblies this week, something I thoroughly enjoy. CNS is such a large school, and as Headteacher, I use any excuse to get out and about to enjoy the company of staff and students. It is quite a privilege to address over 200 students, their behaviour and attentiveness is nothing short of excellent. Interestingly, and something that impresses me, is how every House in the school has its own atmosphere and identity, each doing things a little different, but all doing it very well! The House system has grown into something very special for the school and has moved forward in leaps and bounds since its introduction in September 2010.
This week I have been talking about e-safety; the importance of ‘staying safe’ when on-line. It is a fact, that in this day and age with the advance in technology where mobile phones are in fact computers, young people can be at risk even when in the comfort of their own home. I would reiterate to parents and carers what I have been saying in assemblies, we must take extra special care when communicating on-line and if there are concerns, please use the link on our website to access support. We have an ‘e-safety’ event on Monday 18th March and we welcome you all to attend. Further details will be available closer to the event.
Following on from my message last week about punctuality to assemblies and form time it, I am so impressed to see such an improvement. My thanks to parents and carers for their support in this important area.