- 7/3/13 Year 8 Consultation. 17.30 Sports Hall.
- 14/3/13 Y7 Present Performance Levels home.
- 15/3/13 Y10 Reports home.
- 15/3/13 Y11 History GCSE Trip.
Indoor Tabletop Sale – The Arc - Saturday 9 March: 10.30 – 12.30pm
We have had a fantastic response for this event and all tables have now been booked, so please come put this date in your diary and come along next Saturday 9 March to browse the wide variety of items on offer.
We hope to be able to run a second hand uniform table, but do need more donations to be able to do this. If you have anything that no longer fits please send it in to the school office or bring it along on the day. We will also have a collection point for any books that you would like to give to the school for the Reading for Pleasure initiative.
CNSA will be providing refreshments and would be grateful for donations of cakes or biscuits. To help us plan our catering please email cnsa@cnsmail.org or leave a message at the school office if you are able to contribute in this way. Part of the proceeds from refreshments will be donated to Comic Relief.
World Book Day (Thursday 7th March)
All students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character for World Book Day on Thursday. It will cost 50p to dress up and all monies collected will be donated to Read International. Anyone not dressing up must be in school uniform. The character must be easily identifiable, no muggles or 'undercover' agents in normal clothes. If possible we would like students to carry a copy of the book with them.
There will be a fancy dress competition at lunch time in which the best dressed can who credits and prizes.
Media Studies visit to Oscar-winning film company
Our Year 12 Media Studies students enjoyed an extraordinary visit on Thursday to the London offices of the film production company Working Title. Visiting in the same week as the company won four Oscars, it was great to learn more about the exciting work of the UK’s biggest film production company.
We heard fascinating talks from Tim Bevan (CEO and co-founder of Working Title; executive producer of films from Four Weddings and a Funeral to Les Miserables); Sarah Jane Wright (Head of Production; produced films such as Love Actually and Hot Fuzz); Amelia Granger (development executive on films such as Pride and Prejudice and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy); as well as Working Title’s in-house projectionist and interns (who’ve worked on the development and production of films from Les Mis to Skyfall) giving tips on how to get into the industry. Our students asked some really interesting questions and got some great answers to help with preparing for their exam.
The day was exciting and inspiring: we were let in to a few secrets (which actor was it whose performance disappointed director Joe Wright in Anna Karenina?) and heard great stories about frost-bitten camera operators filming in -40oC Russia. It was fascinating to learn more about this company and their past and future films.
Girls Under 15’s Volleyball Team – Best in the Eastern Region
Five of the seven players on the Norwich Spikers VC team, who played to victory on Sunday 27th January, are year 10 students at CNS. Four of the five CNS students started volleyball two years ago as an extra-curricular activity after school on Monday’s, Wednesday’s & Thursday’s under the tuition of external coach Tomasz Morawski.
Since then, the CNS club’s funding was lost and they joined the Norwich Spikers Volleyball Club who train at the UEA Sportspark, again under the coaching of Tomasz Morawski.
On Sunday 3rd February, another CNS student, Izzy Drane, joined the team and along with two other players from the club, Leonie Reinjtes and Sarah Crooks, they went on to win all of their round 1 regional games in the girls Under 15 National Championships, securing them a place in the round 2 divisionals on Sunday 24th March at the National Volleyball Centre in Kettering.
All players played incredibly well; Eleanor Ashworth did some great defences; Izzy Drane played some fierce attacks; Sarah Hanrahan had some long service runs; Rosie Mills-Smith serve seemed un-defendable and Hannah Story did some brilliant work on the net.
So we would like to thank our Coach, Tomasz for all his hard work and support and Deidre Story who stepped in at the last minute to be a great Team Manager for the day!
Because of the girl’s success, the school has started funding the Monday after-school session from 3.15pm-4.15pm to which any CNS students can attend.
Our club also welcomes new players. If you are interested please go to our website www.norwichspikersvolleyball.org.uk
The Norwich Spikers at CNS
Year 9
On Thursday 28th February year 9 gathered in the Arc to watch the long-awaited Rhetoric Competition to win an Amazon Kindle. This was the culmination of six weeks of hard work and rehearsing to produce speeches on topics which the students felt passionate about. The audience were captivated by the powerful and persuasive speeches which ranged from topics such as soldiers pay, to the dangers of plastic surgery. Participants from each class took part: Lewis Doran, Flora Kernan, Leila Hootan, Chloe Eckersley, Kenneth Simbi Ngoy, Jamie Kirkham, Emmy Legget and Rosa Walton. After much deliberation, the panel named Rosa Walton as the winner. Her speech on the impact of smoking was dramatic and powerful.
Message from Mr Nixon
My thanks to the many parents who attended the Sixth Form Parents' Forum. The topics of ‘revising for exams’ and ‘finance for university’ are always very popular and this proved to be the case again this year. Seeing our students all the way through to year 13 and then off to university or other forms of education, employment or training is one of the great pleasures of working at CNS. When we look at the curriculum structure of the school, this is very much at the forefront of our thoughts. When we educate our students, we must be looking much further ahead than the next set of exams or qualifications; this is exactly what we do.
If you look back at previous e-Echo’s, there is a considerable amount that we should be proud of. In the past, on occasions, communication has been highlighted as a concern and you may have noticed that we recently advertised a "communications" post. We have received a number of applications and the interviews take place in a couple of weeks time.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask that if you are concerned about how we have dealt with an issue, to please let us know so we can put it right. As Headteacher of such a large school, the day-to-day details are as important to me as they are to you as parents and the students and staff. One way that I keep in touch with daily events is to walk around the school talking to students and watching them in lessons. In addition, along with the rest of the Senior Leadership Team, we support the students by being out and about during lunch times. Please let us know what we are doing well and also when something we have tried has not been successful. My ambition is to make CNS a centre of excellence and every small improvement is a step towards achieving that goal.
We are grateful for the support you give to our school we would very much appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out the Ofsted ‘Parent View’ survey. Your feedback and support are vital as we constantly strive to provide the best education possible for your child.
The survey can be accessed at the following address: