Events for week
Mon, 22 Apr Year 10 MocksMon, 22 Apr AS Drama
Tue, 23 Apr Year 10 Mocks
Tue, 23 Apr Jeff Rich from Status Quo: Drum Masterclass in the ARC
Wed, 23 Apr Year 10 Mocks
Thu, 24 Apr Year 10 Mocks
Thu, 24 Apr Junior Maths Challenge (Year 9 and 10 in Rooms 100 and 114)
Fri, 25 Apr Year 10 Mocks
Message from Mr Nixon
The school seems a strange place during the holidays and the start of term is always very enjoyable. Young people bring a real buzz and vibrancy to a school and without them it's just a building.
Over the holiday it was a real privilege to talk to one of our ‘old CNS boys’ about the school and to reassure him that the values and heritage of CNS were not lost or compromised in any way. Principles are important; indeed they are crucial when making decisions and when you are challenged. This can either be as an individual, as a family or within the work place. Strong principles make difficult decisions easier and when they are deep routed, they are at the very heart of everything you believe in and you don't step backwards; you stand your ground.
One of the many things I love about CNS and the students here is how principled they are from a very young age. I think that says a lot for the way in which they have been raised, how they are aware of their own views and opinions and how they stand by them. When interviewing this week, once again all the candidates commented on how confident our students were and how the student panel is one of the most difficult interviews they faced, and so it should be. In an ever changing world I believe that you cannot afford to lose your principles no matter the situation.
Jim Nixon