Friday, 7 June 2013

School news - week beginning June 10th

Message from Mr.Nixon
We have a new intake evening on Wednesday 12th June for the parents of year 6 children who are joining CNS in September.   It is always quite a milestone both for the parents and their children. 

Over half term I spent a few days in Southampton with my youngest son Robert who has just finished his first year at university.  It was great to see him so well established and loving every minute, yet this time last year he wasn't sure what university he would be attending.  It was the same for my eldest son Richard at who is at Nottingham and also great to spend some time with him at half term.  It brought home to me not only how well most young people adapt to change, (the fact is I was more worried than they were) but also how exciting it is joining a new educational establishment.  I know my sons won’t mind me saying, but the basis of their happiness and success has been being cared for and knowing someone is there for them.  With this in place you can be successful. 

 The educator and poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said "We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done".  I like this quote but slightly disagree with it as I know as a parent I have always talked to my sons about their capabilities as well as their performance.  One of the many pleasures of half term was seeing them flourish and achieve, it was awesome.   I believe the same applies to everyone, think of what you have achieved then concentrate on your potential as it is no doubt greater!
Jim Nixon

“You’re a Wizard Harry”
Year 7 trip to The Harry Potter Studios, Wednesday 5th June
Bright and early on Wednesday morning, the English Department took an extremely excited (and very well behaved) group of Year 7s to London to visit the set of all eight Harry Potter films.

 These fortunate students were selected as a result of their hard work and enthusiasm shown towards English since joining CNS.  Despite consuming the majority of their sweets and packed lunches within the first half an hour of the journey, we arrived at the studios safe and well and ready to start the grand tour.

 As Hogwarts’ impressive gates opened, we were free to explore the incredibly detailed sets, stunning props and intricate drawings, allowing us an insight into the fascinatingly complex process of film making.  We were even lucky enough to be able to attend a lesson on costume design and see some of the original costumes used in the film, including Hagrid’s enormous trousers!

 From flying on broomsticks to drinking butter beer in the sun, the day was filled with fun from beginning to end: I am not sure who enjoyed the day more … the teachers or the students!
Miss Smith, Y7 English Coordinator. 


Winners! Cricket results
North Walsham v CNS, June 5th 2013
CNS won by 3 wickets. Full match report in the sports department.

CNS Summer Fete – Sunday 16 June 12-3pm
Ever wanted to drive a car all over the school field? *Car provided, not your own.
Want to win a pair of football gloves donated by John Ruddy?
Get to eat pizza in the sunshine? *Fingers crossed weather-wise.

 Here’s your chance. Come and support your school fete and enjoy a fun and sociable time. Proceeds will go towards the development of social areas and quiet spots around the school for students to enjoy at break and lunchtimes.

Now that’s worth a trip to the Tombola stand…
Liz Humphries
Communications Lead, CNS

 Spaces for the car boot and tabletop area of the fete are filling up fast so if you would like to book either a car boot pitch or a table at £5.00 each please collect a booking form from school reception or request one by emailing  To help the organisers please can forms be returned no later than Wednesday 12 June.

We are still looking for donations for the raffle and also for the bottle tombola – anything from shampoo to champagne – all gratefully received!  Please can these, plus any contributions of uniform, books and plants be sent in to school as soon as possible.
Alison Coyle, CNSA


Important dates for parents
Wednesday 12th June
Parents ‘drop-in’ (study hall, 5.30-7pm)
Parents evening, new intake (7.30-9pm)

 School dates
Monday 10th June
After school clubs
Tuesday 11th June
Lunchtime clubs
MFL film making club KS3 (room 201)
After school clubs
Creative writing (learning centre)
Orchestra practice (Arc)
Y9 Cookery club (room 77)
Wednesday 12th June
Lunchtime clubs
Christian Union meeting (room 113)
British Sign Language (room 2)
Debating Society (room 20)
After school clubs
Computing club (room 25)
Biopunks (room 104)
Thursday 13th June
After school clubs
SEND students (room 48)
Jazz band (Arc)
Garden club

Coming up

Year 12 Return

Year 12 return to their A level studies on Monday 17th June. During the final weeks of term they will be studying all of their AS subjects to ensure that they are making informed decisions about their final A level subjects based on the exam results in August.  There will be a welcome assembly on Tuesday 18th June during period 1 in the ARC. Attendance for this is compulsory.