Wednesday, 24 July 2013

End of Term Echo

School Communications
Thank you for reading the e-echo this term. The e-echo will resume in its current format in the autumn term for a short while. From October, school information can then be found on the new school website which is currently being redesigned. I will of course inform you exactly when this will happen so please continue looking out for the e-echo when the new term begins. There is also a school Facebook page and Twitter page @cns_school.

There are lots of exciting things happening in communications next term as well as more student involvement in the form of student ‘Communication Ambassadors’ within the sixth form and the high school. Enjoy the holidays.
Elizabeth Humphries
Communications Lead

 Setting across Key Stage 3
As students move through the school, setting arrangements change each year to ensure we are appropriately supporting and challenging students at the right level. The school website has updated information about setting at Key Stage 3 for September 2013; please find this information here.

Sixth Form Leadership Team
The Sixth Form Team interviewed and appointed the first members of its student-led Sixth Form Leadership Team this week, with Iola Reynolds-Rapport, Emily Sims, Cicely Ryder-Belson and Ellis Stone being appointed as Community Leaders. These students will be responsible for co-ordinating Community Events within CNS, including the Community Exchange Scheme and the Year 13 Prom.

Ross Lawson and Holly Duffield were appointed as Communications Leaders and will work closely with Ms Humphries to ensure that the excellent events our Sixth Form students participate in on a regular basis are communicated to the community.

In supporting Communications roles, Alicia Cordell will be Editorial Ambassador, Beatrice Howard will be Publicity Ambassador and Chione Hardy will be Social Media Ambassador.

All students demonstrated excellent interview skills and an enthusiasm to make a difference within the school. Congratulations to all students appointed and a huge thank you to Miss Cater and Mrs Humphries for their assistance with the interviews conducted.
Ms Sedgwick(KS5 Progress Co-ordinator)

 Psychology students at the UEA
On the 4th and 11th of July, A level Psychology students visited the UEA Psychology Department in order to gain a wider knowledge of the subject from both students and lecturers there. The day was particularly useful for those considering studying Psychology beyond A level as students were given an insight into what it’s like to take the subject at University.

The days involved a series of sessions focusing on different topics and aspects of Psychology and included a great opportunity to experience Psychology from a different perspective by taking part in research involving evaluation of artwork. After participating, students were later de-briefed and shown how the concept of ‘anchoring’ works when making judgments.

Along with this, students listened to a talk about Superstitions and Magical Thinking and the effect that they can have. They were also given a lecture about the mass murderer Anders Breivik- in this, they took a closer look at him as a person and considered potential problems and causes for his actions from a psychological viewpoint, applying knowledge from their course to a real life case.
Overall, the day was enjoyed by all, students describing it as “informative” and “exciting”.
Ms Sims


Congratulations to the CNS U14s team, winners of the Norwich U14 schools cricket league!

 Don't forget...The CNS Summer Holiday Great Gorilla Challenge
For year 6-7 students and our current year 7s going into year 8.
The prize is a £20 gift voucher - prize per House per year group.
Over the Summer holidays 119 Gorillas will create a trail over the city of Norwich.

1)Plan an adventure day (or two), pack a picnic, take a friend or your family and go and find all 53 Gorillas on the trail.
2)Take a digital camera, or ensure you have a phone with the ability to take pictures. Take a picture with every gorilla you find.
3)Upload your pictures to a computer and paste your pictures onto a word document, or other programme, making the photos small to ensure you can fit them all on a minimal amount of pages.
4)Ensure the names of those you went Gorilla hunting with are on the sheet, along with your tutor groups.
5)Your names will be entered into the prize draw to win a £20 gift voucherWhen you return to school

Find the main trail map on this link :
Good luck and have fun.
Michelle Cater



Important dates
Thursday 5th September: Autumn term begins. Arrive at school 8.35am.

Friday 6th September: Sixth form assembly.
After school : We Will Rock You rehearsals (ARC)

Monday 9th Sept:
After school:  House team meetings (venue tbc)

Wed 11th Sept: School photographer in
After school: Y13 Prize giving (6pm-8.30pm)

Thursday 12th September:
After school : Y7 and Y12 Welcome evening (6pm-8.30pm)

Friday 13th Sept:
After school: We Will Rock You rehearsals