Friday, 5 July 2013

School news - week beginning 8th July

Message from Headteacher Jim Nixon

 You may remember I mentioned last week, our monitoring visit on the 21st June as part of Ofsted’s programme of getting ‘Requires Improvement’ schools to ‘Good’ as quickly as possible.  The report has been published on our website and highlights the determined start we have made along with the various improvements that have taken place in the two months since the full inspection. 

 Our strategy of having a termly action plan (underpinned by an overall two year plan) to ensure that pace and rigour is recognised, as is our continued work on teaching and learning.  The report also highlights our extensive lesson observation system and our students being keen to learn.  The commitment of governors and their support and challenge of the school is similarly praised.  I would like to say again that I found the day challenging yet invigorating. 

 The report states that we are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement and highlights the need to be consistent in our marking as there is some exemplary practice taking place.  The report also asks us to take further action ‘to ensure that our lesson observation system recognises the extent to which accurate assessment is used to structure the effective learning of all abilities’.   At present we are devising a new action plan for next term to ensure the pace of improvement continues.  We are implementing plans in areas where work was considered to be too easy and not stretching students. 

 On the evening of Sunday 21st July there will be a Charity Jazz Concert at CNS.  It will be featuring professional musicians along with some of our students.  Please come along as it will be a fantastic evening.  Tickets are available from the main school reception. 

 I hope you enjoy what is meant to be the hottest weekend of the year so far!

 Jim Nixon

Important dates for parents
Tuesday 9th July : Year 6 induction day

 Important dates for Governors
Wednesday 10th July : Full meeting, Skinner, room 112

 Important dates for Students
Friday 12th July : Year 11 Prom!

Monday 8th July
Blakeney Awards Assembly (Arc 8.35-9am)
Tuesday 9th July
Holkham Awards Assembly (Arc 8.35-9am)
Year 6 induction day
Lunchtime clubs
MFL film club (room 201)
After school clubs
Creative writing club (Learning centre)
Wednesday 10th July
Kelling Awards Assembly (Arc 8.35-9am)
Lunchtime clubs
Christian Union meeting (room 113)
British sign language (room 2)
Debating society (room 20)
After school clubs
Computing club (room 25)
Biopunks (room 104)
Full Governors meeting (6pm-10pm Skinner,room 112)
Thursday 11th July
Thornham Awards Assembly (Arc 8.35-9am)
After school clubs
SEND students (room 28)
Jazz band (Arc)
Garden club
Friday 12th July
Winterton Awards Assembly (Arc, 8.35-9am)
Yr 12 UCAS start
15 Y9 students to UEA for the Festival of Literature for Young People
After school
We Will Rock You – rehearsals
Yr 11 Prom (Drayton Old Lodge 7-11pm)