What a busy and long ½ term this seems to have been! I know that staff and students alike are ready for a break.
Amongst the many things that have been happening this past 8 weeks, was Thursday’s monitoring visit from Ian Seath, HMI. Ian spent some time visiting lessons to look at the students learning and met with various different staff. Although we do not receive formal feedback from this visit; Ian was very pleased with the way the school is heading and the progress that the students are making. A great way to take us into the ½ term holiday.
I hope you enjoy any plans you have made for the next week, especially making the most of the ‘extra hour’ you’ll gain at the weekend.
Jim Nixon
Important dates coming up
28th October - 1st November 2013, October half term.
Mon 4th Nov, Y13 Geography trip to How Hill
Tues 5th Nov, Y13 Geography trip.
Tues 5th Nov, Y8 Football fixture, 3-6pm away at Thorpe.
Wed 6th Nov, GCSE Mock exam, 4-8pm, Arc.
Thu 7th Nov, CNS exhibition at The Forum.
Thu 7th Nov, Law and Politics Court Trip.
Thu 7th Nov, UK Maths Challenge, 9-11am, Arc.
Thu 7th Nov, AS Students visit to Resistable Rise of Arturo Ai
CNS exhibition
On Thursday 7th November, there is an exhibition about CNS at the Forum in Norwich. The idea is to celebrate success at CNS and draw attention to the school and what it can offer students. There will be music, dance and drama performances along with an interactive science table and the chance to play table tennis with the sports leaders. There will also be art work on display, an information desk and a display of the history of CNS, including grammar school pictures, trophies from the 1950s and school magazines dating back to 1911.
We are there from 9am- 5pm so please pop in and have a look if you can.
Liz Humphries