Please note: the e-echo problems have now hopefully been resolved. The newsletter below is for this week. An uptodate newsletter will be sent out on Friday.
Message from the Headteacher
You should have received a letter home regarding the industrial action being taken on Tuesday 1st October 2013. I would like to reiterate that this is not action against the school but against the Government. Due to the number of staff belonging to unions, I have decided that the school will only be open for sixth form students and those year 11 students doing early entry in Maths and GCSE English.
With regards to year 11 early entry, letters have been given to students and a copy posted home to parents and carers. They will be expected to arrive at the ARC for registration at 9.15am; as I do not know which staff will be taking part in the stirke, this allows time to arrange intervention sessions for the day. The year 11 day will finish as normal at 3.05pm and they will receive a free lunch. Food will also be available for sixth fom students should they wish to purchase some.
The government recently announced that students not achieving a C grade or above in Maths and English will have to continue in these subjects until they are 18, therefore aside from all the obvious benefits of achieveing good grades in core subjects, it is even more crucial now for students to cross that C grade threshold.
With regards to Year 11, we will soo be holding a parents' evening to help you support your child through their GCSE exams. It will cover various themes such as key dates, study skills, mock exams and mock results day, specialist subject advice (particularly in relation to English, Maths and Science) and the opportunity to meet House Leaders, Curriculum Leaders and the Senior Leadership Team. Further information will follow next week.
Enjoy what is hoped to be again, another glorious and sunny weekend!
Jim Nixon
Important dates coming up
Tuesday 2nd October: Indsutrial strike action at school.
Thursday 3rd October: CNS exhibition at Castle Mall. Displays of CNS information targeted at passers by, handing out contact details and marketing material. Any parents welcome to come along and say Hello.
Friday 4th October: CNS exhibition at Castle Mall.
Friday 4th October: CNSA pet show. Please note, the venue has now changed to the Sixth Form Centre, 6pm-8pm
Tuesday 8th October: CNSA Annual General Meeting, Sixth Form Common Room, 7pm-8pm. If you would like to get involved, please register your interest via cnsa@cnsmail.org. If you don't want to be on the committee, please just come along to hear how we have been spending funds raised and what we hope to do this year.
Thursday 10th October: Year 6 open evening, Arc, 5pm-8pm
Thursday 17th October: Y13 Parents Evening, Sports Hall, 4pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 22nd October: Full Governors meeting, Skinner Centre, 6.30-8.30pm
School dates next week
Monday 30th September:
Blakeney Assembly, Arc 8.35-9.05
Junior orchestra, Room 204, 3.15-4.15 (open to any instrumentalist)
Senior orchestra, Arc 3.15-4.15 (open to Grade 3+)
Volleyball (juniors), Sports Hall, 4.30-6.15pm
Volleyball (seniors) Sports Hall, 8.15-10.15pm
Tuesday 1st October
Holkham Assembly, Arc, 8.35-9.05
Choir, Room 203, 1.20-2pm
GCSE Computer Science Club, Room 201 , 3.05-5.05
Badminton Club, Sports hall, 3.15-4.15
Dance SSP (tbc) 3.15-4.15
Y10 Football Club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y7 Football Club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y8 Football Club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y8/9 Rugby, Field, 3.15-4.15
Wednesday 2nd October
Kelling Assembly, Arc, 8.35-9am
Christian Union, Room 113, 1.20-2pm
Coursework catch up session, SEND students, room 201, 3.10-4pm
Y10/11 Rugby, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y8,9,10 Netball, Netball court, 3.15-4.15
Y11 football fixture, Field - home game, 3.45-6.45pm
Thursday 3rd October
Thornham Assembly, Arc, 8.35-9am
Y13 - National Theatre visit, London. All day.
Dance 2 (tbc) 3.15-4.15
Jazz band, Arc, 3.15-4.15
Y11 and 6th form Football Club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y7/8 Netball, Netball court, 3.15-4.15
Y9 Football club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Friday 4th October
Guidance day, various venues in school, all-day.
Y10 Assembly, 6th form common room, 8.30-9am
Winterton Assembly, Arc, 8.35-9am
D&T trip, Norwich Arts College,9am-11am
Guitar Group, Room 204, 1.20-2pm
GCSE Yr 10 students trip to London: The Light Princess, 2.30pm-late
We Will Rock You Reahearsals, Arc, 3.15-5.30pm
CNSA Pet show, Sixth form centre, 6pm-8pm
Letters home
There are several important letters that have been sent out. Please be aware that you should be receiving:
- A letter about school uniform
- A letter about parent governor elections
- A letter about the industrial action on Tuesday 2nd October.
Progress, Behaviour and Attendance information.
Over the course of the next week your child will be given a letter with the details of how to set up and account and log in to www.go4schools.com. This is a service which will display progress, attendance and behaviour information to parents as well as giving you the opportunity to access all school reports online. Go 4 Schools will replace the parent portal as a means of displaying this information and will give more detail regarding progress and achievement in assessments in all subjects.
Years 8,9,10 and 11 will bring letters home by Wednesday, with Year 7 on Firday and Years 12 and 13 the following Monday.
Matthew Sprake
Assistant Headteacher