Friday, 15 November 2013

School News - week beginning 18th November 2013

Message from the Headteacher

One of the many pleasures of being a headteacher is watching our young people grow and develop; it is a particular delight of working in a school with a large sixth form. Life can be incredibly difficult with stress and pressure coming in all directions. I have always believed that an important part of being an adult is not only to model good behaviour but to work with the “emerging adult” that is in every young person. Some of them need more help and support than others; some seemingly go through the transition smoothly and with a smile on their face whilst for others it can be a struggle.

As a school we want our young people to be willing to take a risk, to ask those difficult questions because there is nothing to lose, to try something different, and look at a problem in a different way. It is all too easy to see things as right and wrong but to my mind life isn’t always like that. Regrettably we seem to live in a society where errors and mistakes are not forgiven. There are no longer “accidents” but “incidents” and you will sometimes hear on the radio that “someone will have to pay for this mistake. It is not that we remove accountability, far from it, but if we are to let our young people grow
then we need to understand and have empathy for those who have unwittingly made the wrong choice or said something they regret. How we respond will often determine another individual’s actions in the future. There is a quote – whose author I believe is unknown - which says:

“Never blame anyone in your life. The good people give you happiness. The bad people give
you experience. The worst people give you a lesson. The best people give you memories.”

We all make mistakes and it is those whom we treat courteously and with respect who will understand when we make a mistake. It is they, who are the ones who are most likely to give us happiness or memories. School should encompass all these qualities and CNS does just this.

Jim Nixon.

Calendar this week

Monday 18th: 
DofE Bronze Group A, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.
WWRY Rehearsal, 1.30-2pm. Room 213

Tuesday 19th:
Y12 Controlled Assessments, Drama.
UK Maths Challenge, 10am-3pm. Arc
Dof E Group B, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.
Governors Meeting, Students and Parents, 6.30-8.30pm. Skinner Centre

Wednesday 20th:
Football Fixture, Field. CNS V Great Yarmouth, County Cup. 2.15-4.15pm.
Dof E Silver Award 6th form Parent Launch Evening. 6.30-9pm. Arc.

Thursday 21st:
Sport Leaders Trip to Easton College, Y12. All day.
DofE Group C, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.

Friday 22nd:
Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Workshop, 12-3pm. Arc.
Dof E Group D, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.
We Will Rock You rehearsals, 3.15-5.30pm. Arc.

School and Sport Clubs

Monday: Junior Orchestra, 3.15-4.15pm. Room 204. Open to any instrumentalist. J.Sunderland.
Senior Orchestra, 3.15-4.15. Arc, Grades 3+. J.Sunderland.
Sixth form basketball, 3.15-4.15, Sports Hall.
Volleyball (Juniors) 4.30-6.15pm. Sports Hall.
Tuesday: Choir, 1.20-2pm, Room 203. All welcome. J.Sunderland.
CNS Funk Band, 3.05-4.15pm. Arc, J.Sunderland.
GCSE Computer Science Club, 3.05-5.05pm. Room 201. R.Martin.
Badminton Club, 3.15-4.15, Sports Hall.
Y10 Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Y7 Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Y8 Football Club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y8/9 Rugby, Field. 3.15-4.15
Wednesday: Amnesty International, 1.20-2pm. Room 17.
Christian Union, 1.20-2pm. Room 113.
Football Fixture, CNS V Great Yarmouth
Astronomy Club, 3.05p5.05pm, Room 67/68
Lab Rats, 3.15-4.30pm. Room 104.
Y10/11 Rugby, Field. 3.15-4.15 P.O'Brien.
Y9-11 Netball, 3.15-4.15. Netball Court.
Thursday: Dance 2, 3.15-4.15 E.Cook.
Jazz band, 3.15-4.15. Arc, Grades 3+ J.Sunderland.
Y11 and 6th form Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Y7/8 Netball, Netball Court, 3.15-4.15
Y9 Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Norfolk Schools Korfball, 6-9pm. Sports Hall.
Friday: Drama Club, 3.05-4.05pm. Room 212. M.Carnwell
WWRY Rehearsals, 3.15-5.30pm. Arc.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at CNS

Cotswold Outdoor exclusive, CNS shopping and equipment talk.
Monday 18th and 25th November, Theatre St, Norwich, 6-8pm.
Two evenings for all DofE BRONZE students and their parents/carers to engage with equipment talks, try on kit and make purchases. all DofE registered students have 15% discount on non-sale items.
Monday 18th Nov - GROUP A & B
Monday 25th Nov - GROUP C&D

6th form SILVER award launch evening.
Wednesday 20th November, 6.30-7pm, Arc.
This launch event is for parents/carers and students who have successfully got a place doing their silver award at CNS.