Friday, 21 October 2011

School events week beginning 31/10/11 (Week 2)

  • 31/10/11         School re-starts after half term break
  • 3/11/11           Sixth Form Open Evening 1 
  • 8/11/11           Sixth Form Open Evening 2
Each of the Open Evenings will include 2 presentations (19.30 and 20.15) and an opportunity to explore the school and discuss  choices with subject teachers.  Students, parents and carers are very welcome to attend either of the two events.

Financial Industries Group Convention 2011
A group of Year 13 A Level Business students attended the Financial Industries Group Convention at St Andrew's House in Norwich this week. The Financial Indstries Group is a non-profit organisation established in 2001 to support and promote the local banking, insurance and finance sector. The convention brought together students and representatives from local companies including AVIVA, AAT, Alan Boswell Group, Marsh, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Swiss Re and Pure Resourcing Solutions and gave students the chance to hear about a range of local career opportunities as well as the qualities that employers are looking for in applicants. Students also had the chance to meet students currently studying for a Foundation degree in Business at City College.
Congratulations to the team which won the Money Circus challenge.

Message from Mr Nixon (Headteacher)
It was really useful to meet so many parents at the Year 11 Parents' Evening on Thursday 20/10/11, but I realise that some parents may not have had the opportunity to speak to me. If you would like to meet then please contact the school and arrange an appointment via my PA, Jo Lockwood. Can I also remind parents that Parent Governor elections are currently taking place. Ballot papers should be returned to the school by the 4/11/11.

Finally have a good half term and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 31/10/11.