Friday, 4 November 2011

School events week beginning 7/11/11 (Week 1)

6th Form Open Evenings
The second of our 6th Form open evenings will take place on Tuesday 8/11//11 between 7.00pm and 9.30pm. Two presentation events on the 6th Form will be at 7.30pm and 8.15pm in the Arc. Any prospective student and parent/carer is very welcome to this event.

    Energise your future
      A group of 14 Year 11 and 12 students attended the Energise Your Future event at the John Innes Centre. The event was designed to raise awareness of the importance of the energy industry in East Anglia and to promote the career opportunities available. Students heard an inspirational talk from Yvonne Mason, a highly successful local business women and head of The Mason Trust, and also enjoyed a thought provoking and highly entertaining talk from Caroline Rust of The Coaching Works about the importance of first impressions, confidence and communication. Students then had the chance to speak with representatives from a wide range of employers and training providers. A very interesting morning.


        Message from Mr Nixon

        Our Sixth Form Open Evening was extremely busy last night so my personal thanks to all who turned up. On our first Staff Development day in September we devised the 'CNS Lesson'. You will see it on display in classrooms anytime you come into the school and it was theme of this week's assemblies. The Senior Leadership Team's learning walks always have a theme (currently based on the CNS Lesson) and the theme for the next couple of weeks is 'Challenge'. This is part of our Ofsted Action and on this note, parents will soon receive an update on our plan.