Friday, 11 November 2011

School events week beginning 14/11/11 (Week 2)

  • 16/11 - Open Surgery   3.30 -5.30
    • 3.30 - 4.30  Drop in Time
    • 4.30 - 5.30  Appointments  (Please see last weeks Blog for further details)
  • 17/11 - Year 11 Awards Evening
    • 18.30 for a 19.00 start in the Arc
Parent Governor Election results
Congratulations to Nicola Ansell and Philip Churchman both of whom were elected to serve on the governing body.

Cinema Trip and Chief Examiner Visit - a Busy Week in Media
On Wednesday morning 35 Year 12 Media students took a trip to Cinema City in Norwich to attend a lecture on independent cinema, developing our case study work on Cinema City, before watching the brilliant Australian film Animal Kingdom. Not for the feint-hearted, Animal Kingdom is a remarkable film and the trip was enjoyed by all.

On Monday the OCR Media Studies Chief Examiner Pete Fraser visited our Media department, talking with Year 13 students and the Media staff about Teaching and Learning and recent developments within Media Studies, all as part of wider research into the subject. It was a fun and interesting day for all, and the students were brilliant as they discussed the details of their A Level learning.

Message from Mr Nixon
We had an excellent Sixth Form Open Evening both last Thursday and last Tuesday.  The hall was packed and the adjoining classrooms also had to be used. The feedback from parents was extremely positive so my huge thanks to the parents and students who attended. We are very proud of our Sixth Form and it was good  to see the interest from so many people from quite far afield. CNS is a Sixth Form that encapsulates many  pupils from a large number of schools - we pride ourselves on being friendly, having rigour in our lessons and that we embrace people from all different schools.

Thanks once again to those who turned up and supported the evening.