Friday, 20 January 2012

School events week beginning 23/1/12 (Week 2)

  • 26/1/12          Year 9 Consultation Evening     17.30 start

Message from Mr Nixon

Looking through all the events that take place at CNS, it is quite clear there is a theme to them and that is success.  It is not success on its own, it is success in teams.  Teams are important; there are different teams we all belong to, either at home, or with friends, or in school, or in the sports field or in the orchestra or choir or whatever we do as part of our everyday life.  But successful teams all have key components, key ingredients to what makes them successful. Firstly it is the desire to improve, the constant striving to get better and no matter how well you do, you want it to be even better. It’s a good feeling success, it’s a very good feeling and that’s why people enjoy it but it is also something you have to work hard for.  Many sportsmen and sportswomen talk about the hard work that goes on behind the scenes but what you see on the day is just the tip of the iceberg. It is also about recognising what is good and what is successful and rewarding. It is about being honest, about improving and covering your areas of weakness and celebrating strengths. As a school we need to work as a team, with you  as well as your child. In the end it is for your child’s future that we are doing this.  The more we work as a team, the more they are likely to succeed. Our aim is to constantly get better, to continue,develop and improve.Teamwork is crucial to success; even those people who perform well in individual areas work as a team.