Friday, 20 April 2012

School events week beginning 23/4/12 (Week 2)

  • 26/4/12            Year 11 and Year 13 School Photographs (Y11-8.30am, Y13-9.30am).
  • 3/5/12              Year 7 Consultation Evening 17.30.

English beyond the classroom

Screening of The National Theatre’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’
On the last day of the Spring term Miss Blackburn organised an exciting opportunity for A Level Literature students to watch a screening of The National Theatre’s production of ‘She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith. The production is sold out in London but fortunately Cinema City offered to screen a performance exclusively for our students to watch.
Over 40 pupils attended and the quality of the performance was clear to everyone: ‘I laughed so hard – what a great restoration comedy! I was really surprised by how accessible the play still is hundreds of years after it was written’ one of the Year 13 students remarked.
The focus for Year 13’s exam study is ‘Love through the ages’; seeing this production was an excellent way of viewing changing attitudes to love across the last 300 years.

Visiting writer: HM Castor
On the last day of term many of our Year 8 students were invited to hear the writer Harriet Castor talk about her new book ‘VIII’ and discuss the process of writing novels. She was keen for CNS pupils to ask questions throughout her talk and at the end of the hour’s session commented on how impressive our Year 8’s questions had been!
During the hour’s talk we learnt how she finds inspiration for writing, how she spends her time when writing and how long the process can take from pen to bookshop.
Harriet kindly signed copies of her book at the end and gave some great advice to any budding young writers; write, write and write! Her top tip was to make a start straight away when you have an idea – starting is the hardest part but once you begin the rest will follow. 

Face Britain

“Wednesday the 19th of March saw the official launch of Face Britain, a groundbreaking collaborative art project from The Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts. 68 students from Yr9 entered the competition to help break the Guinness World Record for the number of artists collaborating on one art project.

The images were beamed onto Buckingham Palace as part of the celebrations surrounding the Queens Jubilee”.


Please can all parents, carers, staff and governors check their diaries and consider coming to the re-launch of the CNSA next Thursday 26 April from 7.00 – 8.30pm at a complimentary cheese and wine event in the Sixth Form Common Room. 

This will be an opportunity to talk informally about what we would like the association to organise in the summer term for both students and their families, and to think about how we would like to spend any funds raised.  In line with the current constitution the formal Annual General Meeting will be held in the first half of the autumn term, so please take this opportunity to meet fellow CNSA members and to start planning the future shape of our school association.
This event will be free of charge, although any contributions to the evening will be most welcome.
To help plan catering could you please let us know if you are able to attend?  Please contact Alison Coyle on 01603 250135 or email by Tuesday 24 April.

Message from Mr Nixon

I have always been interested in sport, especially team games.  Sometimes I look over my career and remember games that were won in the first 20 or 25 minutes or on other occasions where we sneaked a win in the dying seconds of the game, much to the disappointment and annoyance of the opposition and much to our enjoyment. 

In sport, and especially in my favourite game of rugby, 3 minutes is considered to be a very long time.  We have just come back from the Easter holidays and it is important that we hit the ground running.  Every lesson will make a difference; an extra 10 minutes of revision will help, spending more time on homework or a past paper will bring its rewards, spending that extra few minutes checking over things you will get all the benefit from.  Of all the things that we can influence it is effort; sheer hard work goes an awful long way towards success in whatever field you can think of. 

The school itself is a large team comprising staff, students, governors and parents all working hard for the benefit of young people. For many young people at the start or middle of the game, hard work will pay dividends. Their rewards in terms of exam success will come later but the dividend at the moment is realising how well they are doing and enjoying that success. Those in the later stages of the game, who are doing exams, have much to gain and although there is not much time left, a great deal can be achieved in the last few weeks of term.