Friday, 27 April 2012

School events week beginning 30/4/12 (Week 1)

  •   3/5/12            Year 7 Consultation Evening.   17.30
  •   7/5/12            School closed (Bank Holiday).
  •   8/5/12            Year 12 Study Leave starts.
  •   10/5/12          Open Surgery. 15.05-17.05 Study Hall
  •   11/5/12          Year 10 Reports available.

Charities Week Presentation to Nelson’s Journey
Holkham, the Winning house who as a house raised £517.80, and the Head boys and girls who helped to organise Charities Week this year were involved on Tuesday 18th April in presenting a cheque for £3820.22 to Colin Lang from Nelson’s Journey.
The charity has expressed their gratitude for our fund raising efforts and has said that the money we have raised will go towards a camp that they are in the process of organising. In 2011 Nelson’s Journey worked with over 200 bereaved children and young people were able to access therapeutic camps and since January 2012 there has been an increased demand to support young people. As a school we continue to refer students and access the facilities that Nelson’s Journey offer.

I would like to once more thank all the students, staff and parents who supported our charities week this year and in particular the head boys and girls and 6th formers who worked so hard at organising the event.

Becky Ricketts

School Choir

On Thursday 26th April 2012, the school choir and some year 7 classes were fortunate to participate in a choral workshop with the BYU Singers. The BYU Singers are currently touring the UK, Norwich being their third of 17 venues. Students began warming up their voices with the choir, were able to listen to the choir raise the roof as they performed from their repertoire. CNS students then demonstrated their choral talents, singing ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ which was enthusiastically received by the Singers. The BYU Singers then joined in the Glee version, complete with dance moves! It was truly an unforgettable experience!

Message from Mr Nixon

I have always believed that one of the ways of moving forward is to occasionally look back.  What I mean by this is that all too often, and I include myself in this, we are driven to improve, to be constantly aiming higher and that is both right and important.  There are times when things get difficult or our enthusiasm dampens so how do we motivate ourselves then?  It may be that we are on our own or we have other pressures to deal with, or are simply drained of energy.  Looking back to see how far you have travelled can be a real inspiration.  Of course you can’t look back too long or you will end up standing still, but that brief period of reflection where you can see what you have achieved or how far you have travelled can give you a new energy or an increase in confidence that just hadn’t existed earlier. 

As a school we are constantly striving to improve and I will never be satisfied no matter how high our standards become and I make no apology for that.  However, I do thank those who, on occasion, suggest I look back on how far the school has travelled.  It does help as long as the look is brief and then you carry on improving.