Friday, 22 June 2012

School events week beginning 25/6/12 (Week 2)

  • 24/6/12            CNS Car Boot & Bike Sale   1.00pm to 4.00pm

6 into 7 evening

During the Year 6 into 7 evening last Wednesday, three Year 10 students (Millie Phipps, Freya Scoggins and Ella Jones) set up and ran a second hand uniform stall. They raised a huge £85! The students in Blakeney House Council are in the process of deciding what they are going to spend the money on. Suggestions so far have all been linked to benefitting the House Councils. Thank you for any donations of uniform that were sent in, please keep them coming!

Local MP Simon Wright meets CNS Amnesty Group

Earlier this term our local MP, Simon Wright, came to meet the CNS Amnesty Group and answer questions on his stance to the Arms Trade Treaty that is due to be drafted at an international conference in July. Supporting the Arms Trade Treaty is the current focus for the Amnesty Group: the treaty will outline a set of regulations that monitor the trade of arms between countries, lessening the opportunities for countries to buy weapons and then use them unlawfully to suppress their own people. Amazingly, current regulations mean that it is harder to trade in bananas than it is weapons!

The Amnesty group asked Simon Wright a range of sensitive and informed questions regarding the government's support for the treaty; our ultimate aim was to get him to write to David Cameron to ask him to publicly support the treaty.

Simon Wright commented that he was impressed at the level of questioning from the students and added: "CNS has a lively, well supported Amnesty Group whose members have passionately held views on the need for greater action to stop arms falling into the wrong hands. The students explained to me why they feel that the recent horrific events in Syria highlights the need for further efforts to prevent weapons being used indiscriminately around the world. I completely share that view."

And the result? “Following my meeting with the CNS group, I will be writing to the Prime Minister calling for the UK to press for a strong, legally binding treaty to emerge from the UN negotiations and for David Cameron to speak out loudly and clearly with his support on this matter.” Success!

Students from Amnesty have been presenting information on the topic to the lower school in assemblies and encouraging them to add their signatures to a petition to show their support. If any parents and carers also wish to show their support, there will be a stall at the CNSA fete on the 24th June and copies will also be left in reception.

The CNS Amnesty group is run by the students, Mr Bloomfield and Mrs Trethewey and we meet in room 17 every Friday lunchtime. We have over 30 members of all ages. All students are welcome to attend.

CNS Summer Event: Sunday 24 June 1-4pm

With nearly 40 car boot pitches booked and preparations almost complete for the other activities and stalls on offer we do hope that you will stroll down to the school field on Sunday afternoon for our community event.

Maybe you will pick up a bargain at the car boot, or fancy trying out your cycling skills with Dr Bike and Pedal Revolution, and learning about the Norwich Cycle Speedway Club. Or perhaps you want to get behind the wheel of a driving school car under expert tuition (the only requirement is that you can reach the pedals!). Students have come up with a variety of ideas for stalls and activities to run alongside the car boot, which, if it is raining will be relocated inside the Arc.

If you still have a donation of books, plants or cakes, please bring it along to the relevant stall on the day.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday afternoon. All proceeds from the day will go towards more picnic tables and chairs for our students.