Friday, 29 June 2012

School events week beginning 2/7/2012 (Week 1)

  • 2/7/12            Y12 Induction.
  • 3/7/12            Y12 Induction.
  • 3/7/12            Summer Concert       19.30
  • 4/7/12            School Sports.
  • 9/7/12            Y6 Induction.
  • 9/7/12            Y10 Work Experience starts.
  • 10/7/12          Y6 Induction .
  • 16/7/12          Extended Curriculum Week starts.
  • 20/7/12         Work Experience & Extended Curriculum Week end.
  • 23/7/12         Summer holidays start.

Sports Leaders

The CNS Sports Leaders have run two sporting events in the last few days. On Friday they ran a multi sport/team building event for our local cluster schools for the incoming Year 7’s. Today they hosted Avenues, Year 3’s (a bit of a culture shock for the Sports Leaders!), running a variety of multi sport games.

On both days the Sports Leaders have been brilliant – organising fun and enjoyable sessions. A real credit to themselves and Sixth Form.

The following students were involved:
Bryony Radley, Eva Bland, Ellie Keeler, Dom baily, Oli Swanepoel, Katie March, Eddy Morley, Becky Jordan, Elliott Waterfield, Emma Hale, Molly Grange, Clieo Stephenson, Tom Sorrell, Nathan Henry, Liam Ray, Kieran Benham, Dan Henery, Connor Crisp & Henry Petch

And a big thank you to Mr Collard for co-ordinating  all involved, two excellent days.

Good Times at the CNS Summer Event
The early wet weather last Sunday was not enough to dampen spirits at the CNS Summer Event held on the school field and in the Arc.  The car boots bravely set up outside, and we were pleased to welcome the crowd that came to check out the bargains.
As ever, the car driving was extremely popular and we thank instructors Carol Barnes of the RED Driving School and Richard McGreevy for giving us their time.  New to CNS this year was the bike obstacle course set up by Kevin House of Dr Bike and the team from Pedal Revolution, which gave us the opportunity to try out new challenges on different bikes; and we also had the chance to learn about cycle speedway with the team from the Norwich Cycle Speedway Club.
The sounds of The Upgrade, one of our 6th Form bands, greeted entrants to the Arc along with the aroma from the delicious pizzas freshly cooked on site by the Proper Pizza Company.  Meanwhile, among the many activities taking place in the auditorium we saw students from forms 7HE and 9KE busy painting faces, 8HE had you guessing the name of the bear (now know to be Felix) or trying your luck at the soft toy tombola; 8BE tested your hand/eye co-ordination with Splat the Rat or you could buy some lovely bead jewellery created by students from 8TW.  And when ready for something to eat, form 7KE provided a superb selection of cakes to go alongside the CNSA refreshments, which you could enjoy while chatting at the student stand on the work of Amnesty International.
Thank you for the book donations that were sent in to school.  We sold many of them, while the remainder were taken by the year 12 group who are taking part in the Read International “Books to Tanzania” programme. 
The CNSA wishes to thank all of you who either contributed to, or came to support, last Sunday’s Summer Event.  Between us we have raised nearly £900 which will go towards more picnic tables and benches for our students.

Message from Mr Nixon

In the last E-echo I talked about the pilot behaviour policy we were introducing that Wednesday and it has been running for a week.  The informal feedback so far has been extremely positive from students, staff and parents.  We will be doing an evaluation before the end of term and will let you know the details nearer the time.  Meanwhile it is quite noticeable that one warning then removal from the lesson is enhancing the learning experience of students.  Staff continue to use their professional judgement and apply a variety of strategies if appropriate but students know that a “verbal warning” is the last chance. 

The Rewards Evenings took place last week on Thursday and Friday and they were excellent.  It was such a privilege to spend quality time with so many students who contribute to the school in a variety of ways.  Proud parents sat in the audience and the Arc was full.  It was great to be at the front handing out rewards and seeing so many smiling faces.  It was fantastic.  

It never ceases to amaze me how confident our students are and the different talents that they possess and I can also same the same about the staff. On Thursday - when the staff development day took place - I felt incredibly proud as I walked round the school watching the various sessions being led by so many talented and hard-working teachers, all sharing teaching and learning ideas.  A considerable amount of time had gone into planning and preparing for the day and it showed.  I have been in teaching for over 30 years and this was by far the best Staff Development Day I have ever experienced.