Friday, 21 September 2012

School Events week beginning 24/9/12 (Week 2)

  • 24/9/12            Rewards trips Y8 - Y12
  • 24/9/12            School Photograph Orders completed
  • 27/9/12            Y11 Awards Evening
  • 28/9/12            CNSA Pet Show
  • 4/10/12            Guidance Day

As you begin to settle into the autumn term please can we remind you of the City of Norwich School Association (CNSA) events planned for the first half of the autumn term?

Wednesday 26 September - PTA-UK workshop; 7-9pm in the Arc (Drama Studio 213)
This will be led by our PTA-UK regional representative, Alison Allen, and will look at secondary school fundraising ideas. Parents/carers from other secondary schools in the area will be coming along so it will be a great opportunity to hear about other school associations and pool ideas as well as to meet other CNS parents and carers.

Friday 28 September - Fun Pet Show; 6 – 8pm in the Arc. 

 We rely on donations for the raffle and for competition prizes so if you are able to help us either with a personal gift or a company donation please contact the school office or Alison Coyle (details below) before next Wednesday.

If you are unable to attend the event yourself please encourage your children to come along to this first social activity of the school year.  They do not need a pet to take part and have fun!  See below or on school website for full details

Monday 8 October - The CNSA Annual General Meeting; 7-9pm in the Arc (Drama Studio 213)

All committee positions are currently vacant so if you would like to stand for an officer role – chair, vice-chair, treasurer or secretary please contact the school office for further information.

It is vital that we elect a committee so that we can start spending monies already in the CNSA account (currently over £12,000).  If you do not wish to take on a committee role, please do come to the meeting to discuss just what the school association could provide for our children above and beyond their timetabled activities.  This could include funding after school clubs and/or providing equipment for extra-curricular activities.  Please let us know your views.

Thursday 25 October – year 7 disco; 7-9pm in the Arc

Details will shortly be advertised in the e-Echo and in school.  If you are a budding DJ please get in touch as soon as possible!

If you wish to attend any of the above events or can offer your help in any way, shape or form please contact Alison Coyle via the school office or at or call her on 01603 250135.

Message from Mr Nixon

All of our new students have settled into CNS very quickly and are working hard.  I am particularly impressed with the new Year 12 students. Over 50% of the 6th Form is made up of students who have joined us from other schools and it is great to see so many new friendships developing.  The 6th Form team works extremely hard to ensure students are quickly integrated to become part of CNS; enjoyment and belonging are an important part of life in our school.

In the main school, Year 7’s have quickly found their way around and have settled down to their learning.  I love the buzz and vibrancy during the school day!

Our Year 10 students are the first year group that will be judged against Mr Gove’s new criteria of not counting an easy equivalent subject as a GCSE, and we welcome this new approach.  I have mentioned it before that we have always focused on rigorous GCSE’s and A Levels and will continue to do so.

Students will soon receive ‘Home School Contracts’ via their Tutor.  Please take the time to read and sign them before returning them to school.  This is an important part of our communication with home and aims to improve our effectiveness.

During the Summer Olympics, many athletes talked about the importance of hard work and the role it played in their success.  This year is about hard work - by everyone!
Jim Nixon