Friday, 12 October 2012

School Events week beginning 15/10/12 (week 1)

  • 18/10/12            Year 13 Parents Consultation   17.30
  • 18/10/12            High School Choir Festival
  • 25/10/12            Year 11 Reports home
  • 25/10/12            CNSA Year 7 Disco  19.00-21.00  Arc
  • 26/10/12            End of Half Term 1

Jeans for Genes

During the recent Guidance Day students also had a non-uniform day to raise money for 'Jeans for Genes'.
In all £730 was raised.

Norwich High School Choir Festival

On Thursday 18th October, singers from CNS will participate in the Norwich High School Choir Festival at St Andrews Hall. The event involves students from schools across Norfolk rehearsing songs for an evening concert. The repertoire is varied from Handel to Bob Marley. Leading the day will be Richard Allain, Head of Music at Norwich High School for Girls. The concert is open to the public, with tickets being sold at the door for £5. This is an event that CNS students have enjoyed and been inspired by for the several occasions we have been involved.

Message from Mr Nixon

Year 6 Open Evening
Thanks to all the prospective families who attended our Year 6 Open Evening, it was very pleasing to see the auditorium so full for each presentation, together with such a busy school late into the evening.  It was wonderful to meet so many parents and children, not only from the local area, but also from outside the catchment; some had travelled quite a distance.  

Many parents commented on our students regarding how articulate, knowledgeable and helpful they were and they were impressed by the quality of work on display.  Our high standards were perfectly demonstrated by the ‘Winterton Quintet’ band, performing various classical pieces during the evening.;  our ‘Buskers’ performing brilliantly in various areas of the school and the high quality of the student presentation.  

We are continually aiming to improve the school and our vision ‘to be a vibrant school that is renowned for excellence – both nationally and internationally’ is a journey, however, we have travelled far over the past 2 years and are very proud of our achievements.  It is of no surprise that during the evening, our students demonstrated the same pride in their school as they do each day.  It was an excellent evening!

Communications Team 
The visit from the Communication Team earlier in the week was very useful and involved meetings with various stake holders along with an evaluation of the school site and our communication processes.  Again, our visitors commented on our excellent students and what a superb atmosphere there was around the school.  We look forward to receiving their recommendations.