Friday, 19 October 2012

School Events week beginning 22/10/12 (week 2)

  • 25/10/12            Year 11 Reports home
  • 26/10/12            End of Half Term 1
  • 29/10-2/11        Half Term
  • 5/11/12             Start of Half Term 2
  • 6/11/12             6th Form Open Evening 1            7.30-9.30
  • 8/11/12             Year 10 Forecast Grades home

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for free school meals. If you would like more information on this, please see the link to the Norfolk County Council website for more details.  Alternatively your child can collect a form for you to complete from Student Services.


A new committee has now been elected and ideas are being sought from students, parents, carers and members of staff as to what the fundraising focus should be for this school year.  If you have views on this please contact CNSA Chair, Alison Coyle, via the school office or email her at
Minutes of the AGM and future committee meetings will be circulated via the school email system.  If you are not receiving emails from CNSA please check your spam folder.
Although we now have a committee, we do need a list of volunteers to assist at different times of the year.  This can be in a variety of ways such as helping out at events; by developing initiatives such as Facebook and Twitter links, or by being an independent examiner of the Association’s finances.   If you have a skill that you think we could use, please let us know!
The year 7 disco has been postponed, but we are canvassing students to see if there are other activities they would like us to organise.  If your son or daughter, in any year group, has an idea for a social event please encourage them to tell their class representatives or form tutor.
The next CNSA date for your diary is for the Christmas Craft Fair – Saturday 24 November, 11-2pm in the Arc - a perfect opportunity to get a few Christmas gifts away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre.  If you are interested in being a stallholder please contact Alison Coyle for further details.

Interested in Education?

Would you like to know more about how the school is run?

Ever thought of becoming a PARENT GOVERNOR?

There is a vacancy for a Parent Governor on the Governing Body. 
Governors are not involved in the day to day running of the school that is the responsibility of Mr Nixon and his staff. Governors help to set the policies and  strategic direction of the school, hold the leadership to account  for the  performance of the school, support the school and celebrate success.

Being a Parent Governor is a very interesting and rewarding role that is 
valued by the school.  If you would be interested in helping the school in this way, please find out more by ringing
Polly (Chair of Governors) on 506242
Or email 
Look out for letters that will go out after half term. 

Financial Industries Group Convention 2012
A group of Year 13 A Level Business students attended the Financial Industries Group Convention at St Andrew’s House in Norwich this week.  The Financial Industries Group (Fig) is a non-profit organisation established in 2001 to support and promote the local banking, insurance and finance sector.  The convention brought together students and representatives from local companies and organisations including AVIVA, Alan Boswell Group, Marsh, Swiss Re, Norfolk County Council and City College and gave students the chance to hear about a range of local career opportunities as well as the qualities that employers are looking for in applicants.  The convention was opened by Ann Steward, Councillor and Cabinet Member for Economic Development.  Students also had the chance to test their personal finance knowledge by taking part in the Money Circus Challenge organised by the Personal Finance Education Group.  Congratulations to Katy Redgrove who was a member of the winning team.
Suzanne Edwards 
Work Related Learning Co-ordinator  

Message from Mr Nixon

It is really pleasing as I walk around the school to see the students working so hard.  I would like to highlight the 6th Form as a group of students who really have a strong learning culture.  Wednesday I walked through the 6th form social area and canteen to be met by 50 or 60 students who were hard at work; as were all the students in our busy study hall.  These are crucial years for both year 12 and 13 therefore it is so pleasing to see them making good use of every minute during the school day.
What is also very pleasing to note is their excellent attendance at school.  Woody Allen once said “eighty percent of success is showing up’.  During the Olympics, many of the Gold Medallists highlighted the importance of sheer hard work in their success and so on what I’ve seen so far this year, I am sure that all our 6th form students will do exceptionally well.  In addition to this, it is a real pleasure to have them around the school to enjoy their company as not only students but mature adults.

Jim Nixon