Friday, 1 February 2013

School Events week beginning 4/2/13 (Week 2)

  • 7/2/13            Intermediate Maths Challenge     
  • 14/2/13          Year 11 Parents Evening                Sports Hall 17.30   

 Indoor Tabletop Sale – Saturday 9 March: 10.30 – 12.30pm

Why not start your spring cleaning by booking a table at the next CNSA event?  This will be held in the Arc auditorium and tables cost £5.00 each.  Further details will follow shortly but if you wish to secure a table now please email to register your interest.


The dates for this term’s  Parents’ Forum and the rearranged e SAFETY meeting that was cancelled because of snow will appear in the ECHO very shortly.  Please look out for them and put the dates in your diaries.

Thank you to those parents who came to the Parents’ Forum in December. There were some very helpful discussions/suggestions on communication and current issues in the school.

Those present also suggested some topics they would like to have at future forums. If you were not able to be there and would like to suggest a topic, please email at Your ideas would be very welcome.

Whole school non-uniform day

Friday 15th February will be a whole school non-uniform day to raise money for the school charity and the Year 11 Prom. Minimum contribution is £1 per student.

Message from Mr Nixon

Option Evening
We had a fantastic options evening this week for the Year 9 students.  The ARC was crowded for both presentations and the feedback on the advice and guidance given was extremely positive.  My thanks to everyone who attended.

Reading for Pleasure
The 10 minute regular ‘reading for pleasure’ programme during tutor time is a great success. It involves all Teachers and learning support staff as well as the senior leadership team.   On a purely selfish note, I confess to loving my daily 10 minutes when I join a tutor group to sit and enjoy my latest book.  Today some students were sharing their book with the tutor group, discussing the story line and why they chose it.  It is a very good start to the day and one that is valued by many, therefore I would ask for your support as parents and carers, to ensure your child gets to school on time in the morning.  (Registration starts at 8.40am) With the whole tutor group engaged in silent reading, just one person arriving late can disturb the other students

University Success
On Wednesday, I spent some time with a group of sixth form students, four of whom have been offered places at Oxbridge and one at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.  What struck me in particular was not only the work that they had put into their applications and how rigorous their interviews were, but also how much support they had received from family and school over a considerable period of time.  The sixth form team provide a wide range of support programmes for students including a guidance and support programme for potential Oxbridge students.  A document detailing how this works is available for current and prospective sixth formers

We are grateful for the support you give to our school we would very much appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out the Ofsted ‘Parent View’ survey. Your feedback and support are vital as we constantly strive to provide the best education possible for your child.

The survey can be accessed at the following address: