Friday, 25 January 2013

School Events week beginning (Monday 28/1/13) Week 1

 28/1/2013           CNSA EGM                                    19.00 Sixth Form Common Room
30/1/2013            GCSE/GCE examinations end
31/1/2013            Year 9 Options Evening                   Presentations at 18.00 and 18.45

 CNSA Extraordinary General Meeting – Monday 28 January 2013, 7pm in the Sixth Form Common Room.

All parents, carers, staff and governors are invited to this meeting of the school association to vote on the proposed constitution that the CNSA Committee wishes to submit to the Charities Commission.  It cannot do this without your approval so please come along if you can – your vote really will count. We will also be discussing future social events and gathering your ideas on ways the school association can support CNS.

The CNSA wishes to support the Reading for Pleasure initiative and in future will be collecting at its events any books that you, your family members or your friends would like to donate to the school. The first opportunity to contribute in this way will be at this meeting.

If you have suitable books to donate but are unable to drop them off on the 28th and/or if you wish to be sent a copy of the proposed constitution in advance of the meeting please email

School Kitchen

Please be aware that there will be a small increase in the cost of some of the food items available from the school kitchen for students at break and lunchtime. Working with our caterers we have tried to keep this to a minimum and also to avoid any increase for some of the healthier options however the cost of raw materials in the food industry forces this increase.

A hot meal with a desert continues to be available for £2.10.    

David Brodie (Resources Manager)

Message from Mr Nixon

It was great to see our students back in school after the snow, my thanks to everyone for their understanding during our closure.   You will be pleased to know that we went immediately into working and making up for lost time, as there is much to do. 

The Year 11 Mock results day took place yesterday (Thursday) and was a huge success.  All of the students took the experience very seriously, allowing them an insight to what they will experience in August.  It was great to see so many smiling faces on those that did well and staff offered support to those who were disappointed when they opened their envelopes.  There is time to improve further or to catch up. We want to see every single student smiling in August. 

Last term I mentioned that we were considering the appointment of two new posts in the school; Firstly a ‘Communications Lead’ to develop our communications with the parents, carers and the community.  Secondly an ‘Alternative Provision’ colleague, whose role will include running the Duke of Edinburgh scheme (DofE).  The first of these will be advertised next week.

I am aware that some students and parents may want to start or continue with the DofE scheme before our new appointment begins and I have been given the following information.  Parents can get their children started on the DofE under their own steam by getting in touch with Chris Holmes on 01953 609094. 
Chris Holmes
Duke of Edinburgh Administrator
The Bric
Wymondham College
NR18 9SZ. 
This is not run by Wymondham College, the DofE have offices there.

The CNSA will be holding and extraordinary general meeting here at the school on Monday 28th January 2013 from 7pm.  As always, we encourage and welcome you all to attend.  I look forward to seeing you there.

Jim Nixon

We are grateful for the support you give to our school we would very much appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out the Ofsted ‘Parent View’ survey. Your feedback and support are vital as we constantly strive to provide the best education possible for your child.

The survey can be accessed at the following address: