Academy status.
Parents Forum Tuesday 19th March in the Arc at 7pm – Consultation on Academy Status
For some time now, the Governors have been considering whether academy status would be beneficial for CNS. At the last meeting of the Governing Body, the governors decided to go to consultation on academy status.
As part of that consultation, we would like to invite you to the Parents Forum on the 19th March where you will here more about why the Governing Body feel that Academy status could benefit the school and a chance for you to ask any questions.
Your child should bring a letter home on Tuesday, which will explain our intention to go to consultation in more detail. The letter is also accessible from this link.
The letter outlines how we believe CNS will benefit as an academy and highlights in particular two very exciting partnerships that will be of great benefit for the school and the cluster. It also states that we will not be changing the school day, the name of the school, admissions policy, pay and conditions for staff or the uniform.
The Governing Body is committed to consultation before making such a significant decision and welcome your views and opinions. We look forward to hearing from you
Dr Lucinda Poliakoff Jim Nixon
Chair of Governors Headteaacher