- 18/3/13 E-Safety for Parents 18.30 6th Form Common Room
- 19/3/13 Parents Forum 19.00 Arc. Academy Status Consultation
- 21/3/13 Year 9 consultation 17.30 Arc.
- 22/3/13 Y8&9 Levels home.
- 22/3/13 Y11 Grades home.
- 23/3/13 Invention and Discovery.
- 25/3/13 Year 12 Berlin Trip.
- 27/3/13 Guidance Day.
- 27/3/13 Open Surgery. 15.30-17.30 Study Hall.
- 28/3/13 Start of Easter holiday
- 29/3/13 Ski Trip .
- 15 4 13 Summer Term starts.
Indoor tabletop sale
We thank all those who contributed to this event which raised £228 for CNSA and £49 for Comic Relief. We are particularly grateful to the Food Technology team and students who made dozens of delicious Red Nose themed biscuits.
There is a demand from parents and carers for good quality second hand uniform and CNSA will be running a stall near the refreshment area at next Saturday’s science event in the Skinner Centre. If you have any items that you wish to donate please send them in to the school reception or bring with you on the day.
Fete planning meeting – Monday 15 April – 7.30pm in the Arc (Drama Studio)
The school summer fete will be held on Sunday 16 June. If you wish to be involved in the planning of activities please join us at this meeting. If you are unable to attend but would still like to be involved please email cnsa@cnsmail.org.
Quiz and chips – Friday 19 April, 7pm in the Arc auditorium
This event will be for all the family. Teams will be in tables of 8 – mixed ages can be an advantage! So why not rally a few of your family and friends or make up a table on the night with new faces.
Tickets are £7.50 each for fish/vegetarian lasagne and chips and £3.50 for chips only. There will be a few soft drinks for sale so please feel free to bring your own, along with any nibbles. Tickets will be on sale from school reception from Monday 18 March and must be bought in advance. Payment by cash or cheque (£10 minimum) made payable to CNSA.
CNSA Survey
We will shortly be sending out a CNSA survey to gather views and ideas from parents, carers, staff and students on the activities that you would like to see the school association organising and on how funds raised should be spent. We will also be asking you to vote on your preferred name for the school association and to let us know your preferred methods for CNSA communications. If you have any suggestions or comments that you would like us to include please email them to cnsa@cnsmail.org by Friday 22 March.
Message from Mr Nixon
Letters have been distributed to all current and prospective parents & carers regarding the governor’s decision to go to consultation regarding CNS becoming an academy. As the letter states it is important that we hear everyone's views about the various points from the letter which can be found on the school website. What I would like to emphasise is the quality of consultation that we are aiming to achieve. We have arranged a meeting for current and prospective parents & carers this coming Tuesday. I encourage your individual views and opinions, both for and against the proposals.
By Tuesday 19th March, I will have spoken to all of the students in assemblies and asked that they voice their opinions through the School Council. Dr Poliakoff and I will be meeting the both main school and sixth form councils before the end of term to hear the feedback.
There was a presentation to staff on Monday 11th March followed by an opportunity to ask questions with Dr Poliakoff and I. We then made ourselves available at 4pm on Wednesday 13th March and again at lunchtime today (Friday). We will be opening the school on Wednesday 10th April to make ourselves available for comment and discussion. We welcome any feedback through letter or email.
I am extremely pleased to announce that on Thursday 14th March, we appointed a Communications Lead for the school. The successful applicant has an excellent track record and considerable experience in this field; she will be directly line managed by me as Headteacher.
Jim Nixon
We are grateful for the support you give to our school we would very much appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out the Ofsted ‘Parent View’ survey. Your feedback and support are vital as we constantly strive to provide the best education possible for your child.
The survey can be accessed at the following address: