Friday, 13 December 2013

School News - week beginning 16th December 2013

Last day of term arrangements

Normal lessons continue throughout the day up to the end of period 4. There will be an extended lunch to 2.20pm. Students return to lesson (not form) after extended lunch, period 5.
Period 5 is cancelled for 6th form students ONLY.
Friday 20th December is a FREE non-uniform day with a Christmas theme, ie. Christmas colours, Christmas jumpers or fancy dress.

First day back: Tuesday 7th January 2013

GCSE Prize Giving (ex Y11)

The GCSE awards evening is taking place on Thursday 9th January at 6.30pm in the sports hall and barn. All of the class of 2013 and their parents have been invited.

The deadline to apply for CNS 6th form is Wednesday 18th December 2013.


if you still have online shopping to do for Christmas, please sign up to the CNSA page on the easyfundraising website, We will automatically benefit every time you make a purchase from a linked supplier such as John Lewis, Amazon or Argos at no extra cost to you.

CNSA Facebook page
We have launched a Facebook page, CNSA - City of Norwich School Association, so please go and have a look at some photos from our previous events and catch up on our latest news. 

CNSA Shelter
CNS has a new shelter.  It was paid for from money raised by CNSA supporters past and present and gives the students a new social area on the school field.  A photo will follow soon.