Friday, 6 December 2013

School News - week beginning 9th december 2013

Message from the Headteacher

Not so long ago there was a programme on called 'Educating Yorkshire" which followed the real life trails and tribulations of a comprehensive. It was the talking point amongst some students and staff and although I confess to having watched a couple of episodes, I was keenly following a similar programme about another school; Harrow.

What intrigued me about Harrow was not the academic expectations but the demands placed upon these boys even leading up to major examinations. Of course, being a boarding school they are at school 24/7; nevertheless, they were expected to take part in inter-house music competitions, sports, public speaking and a whole range of other activities. In addition to this, the senior students would have to plan and arrange the training or rehearsals leading up to the event; it was relentless! What you could clearly see were the leadership qualities developing within the students and how they coped with the pressure.

I am not proposing that CNS becomes a boarding school but my message is that even in busy and stressful times such as sitting examinations, there is still time to be engaged in other activities; it is healthy. Our school musical production starts on Thursday and I hope you are able to come along.

Jim Nixon

CNS Debating Society take second place at Norfolk heat

On Wednesday 5th December, the CNS Debate Club took part in the Norfolk round of their first debating competition, hosted at the Norwich High School for Girls. Created by the Institute of ideas, the Debating Matters competition primarily concentrates on contemporary issues. The focus is on content and substance over style, encouraging young people to engage in an intelligent contest of ideas and holding up their ideas to critical scrutiny.

The first debate motion was this;
'The UK ban on using assisted reproductive technology for sex-selection should be lifted.'
Benjamin Durrant and Rebecca Casson were selected to argue for the motion against the Norwich High School for Girls. CNS put forward a series of sophisticated arguments against a very strong Norwich High team and won the first round.

On the final round against Langley School, CNS were again arguing for the controversial motion;
'Extreme views should not be given a public platform.'
This time Sam Griffiths and Kenji Newton took part. Again both teams were questioned in depth, but a formidable and experienced Langley team won to go through to the regional finals.

We are immensely proud that our team came second in their debut competition.

Sabrina Peck

Coming up this week:

Parents/Carers check your Echo newsletter email for more info

We Will Rock You, school performance - Thu 12th, Fri 13th, Sat 14th Dec
Science and Engineering Fair - Thursday 12th Dec
Y7 Christmas party - Wednesday 11th Dec

Dec 16th-20th : CNS Charities Week