Friday, 9 December 2011

School events week beginning 12/12/11 (Week 2)

  • 12/12/11-16/12/11 Charities Week.
  • 15/12/11 Forecast Grades or Present Performance Grades for Years 7,8,9,10 and 13 sent home
  • 16/12/11 Last day of term.
  • 3/1/12 Staff Development Day.
  • 4/1/12 Spring Term starts for all students.
  • 4/1/12 Awards Evening for last year's Year 13.19.30pm

Christmas Card Competition
We have had some fantastic entries for our first ever House Christmas Card Competition. The pictures and messages to go inside the cards for each house have been selected and sent off to the printers. The winners will be announced soon and we look forward to selling the cards during Charities Week to raise money for Nelson's Journey. Congratulations to all who took part!

Year 7 Progress Review Day
This is an opportunity for parents to meet with their child's House Leader with the focus of the meeting being on  Progress and Achievement during their first term at CNS.
Letters will be going home with students this week detailing how these meetings are arranged and you can also find copies of these letters on the website. If you are unable to make this meeting a further opportunity to meet with House Leaders is available through Open Surgery and a meeting with subject teachers will be available through the Y7 Consultation Evening which takes place in the summer term. If you would like further information about this day or have any specific queries please contact the relevant House Leader.

Guidance Day Thursday 1/12/11
On this recent day a total of £654.79 was raised through non uniform on guidance day for the National Aids Trust.

Charities Week 2011
This year our student council nominated the charity Nelson's journey; a norfolk based charity that as a school we have used on several occasions to support young people to cope and manage with family bereavements. Assemblies on the charity have been held and on Friday 16th we are hoping for a representative from the charity to join us along with their mascot Nelson the Cat.
Charities week commences on Monday 12th December. At break times there will be a range of stalls on offer in the Arc and a few other events also occurring in other areas of the school including Mario Kart racing and pancakes in food technology, to name but a few.
There are 3 main events occurring at lunchtime; Monday there will be a University Challenge style quiz in the Arc, Wednesday a staff vs.student Dodge Ball competition and on Friday CNS has Got Talent. The 6th form has also put on a rugby match on Tuesday lunchtime and Ms Rasmussen has organised Zumba on Thursday lunchtime! Friday 16th December  is also the day for non-uniform or fancy dress and sponsored activities. Our Seniors will be helping throughout the week by holding collection buckets for contributions at lunch time events and on their house day in the Arc at break time.
We will also be selling our winning house Christmas cards- names to be revealed next week following our awards assemblies. Christmas cards will be on sale throughout the week and will also be available to buy in reception; all proceeds will go to our nominated charity.
This year we have also been lucky to be sent a number of prizes from local businesses which will be raffled off by Mrs Moulton and Mrs Nicholson on Thursday 15th December. Many thanks to Cinema City, Kettle Crisps, Castle museum, Hollywood Bowl, Jarrolds, Ice Arena, Zaks and Quasar for supporting Charities week with prizes.

Message from Mr Nixon
Over the past few weeks I have highlighted our ambitions and aims as a school and have said that December is an important month especially towards the end of the month; every week is crucial to learning. This week for my peers I am focusing on the CNS team who have worked so hard focusing on the Ofsted action points and building on the good points as well and being at the very centre of school improvement. I have often boasted about how committed CNS teachers are and how the varied profile is a real strength of the school. Experience is important in schools - although I admit to being slightly biased having started teaching in 1977 - and I believe the good mixture of new and experienced teachers is ideal. At CNS we all have the same contribution to make and all of us do. As part of our action plan we are utilising the skills and knowledge of our many good and outstanding teachers to enable us to become outstanding. Everyone is involved; everyone is valued and everyone has a contribution to make.