Friday, 6 January 2012

School events week beginning 9/1/12 (Week 2)

  • 9/1/12   Progress Review Day  7HE, 7KE
  • 10/1/12 Progress Review Day  7BE
  • 10/1/12 Public Examinations begin.
  • 11/1/12 Progress Review Day  7HW
  • 12/1/12 Progress Review Day  7WE
  • 13/1/12 Progress Review Day  7BW, 7TW, 7WW
  • 19/1/12 Year 9 Pathway Evening. 18.00

Important dates for the remainder of the Spring Term
26/1/12 Year 9 Consultation Evening 17.30
2/2/12 Public Examinations end.
13/2/12 - 17/2/12 Half Term.
2/3/12 Year 11 reports sent home.
14/3/12 Year 13 Parents' Forum.
15/3/12 Year 8 Consultation Evening 17.30
15/3/13 Year 12 reports sent home.
16/3/12 Year 9 and Year10 grades sent home.
21/3/12 Guidance Day 3
28/3/12 Music Extravaganza
29/3/12 CNS Fashion Show.
30/3/12 Year 7 reports sent home.
30/3/12 Term Ends.

Year 7 Progress Review Meetings

Year 7 Progress Review Meetings are being held next week.  Schedules are being drawn up by House Leaders based on the reply slips received and times are being given to students to record in their planners.  Please check your child’s planner and your House Leader will meet you and your child in reception at the designated time for your meeting. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the House Office.

Charities Week 2011

This year our Student Council nominated the charity Nelson’s Journey; a Norfolk based charity that as a school we have used on several occasions to support young people to cope and manage with family bereavements. Assemblies on the charity were held and on Friday 16th a representative from the charity joined us along with their mascot Nelson the Cat. Nelson’s Journey will be returning to CNS this term to collect the money that was raised for the charity.
The total raised currently stands at just over £2,200 and we are still counting and collecting in sponsorship money. Barclays Bank has agreed to price match the money we raised for CNS Has Got Talent which was £676.60.
Over the week students and staff participated in a range of activities. Each morning break time was represented by a house and stalls were held in the Arc. The stalls varied from delicious cakes, to raffles, nail painting, Mario Kart racing, henna, and guess the number of sweets in the jar and even the human drawing machine!!  On Friday 16th December a number of sponsored activities took place alongside a non-uniform day.
 There were also lunchtime events occurring including our very own version of University Challenge; CNS Challenge where Thornham house were just beaten by a triumphant Blakeney. On Wednesday we held a staff vs. students dodgeball competition. 3 staff teams competed against Holkham house, (who had won the house heats the week before,) a year 12 and a year 13 side. The Year 13 dodgeball team were victorious against the staff Arts and Technology team. Finally on Friday we held CNS Has Got Talent. Following a series of auditions we had 9 acts performing. The acts varied hugely- we had outstanding singers, brilliant dancers, a humorous band and a creative dramatic monologue that were from across all year groups and houses. Following a nail biting decision by the judges 3 acts were brought back and the CNS crowd decided upon the winner. Congratulations go to Jak Lynch 7Ww and Darrius Bissett in 9WW who won the competition with their amazing break dancing and body popping.
Other events also ran at lunchtimes throughout the week including a 6th form vs. staff rugby match and on Thursday 15th December Zumba. Thanks to the persuasive techniques of Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Moulton we were also lucky to have been sent a number of prizes from local businesses which were raffled off and raised over £150 in the process. Many thanks to Cinema City, Kettle crisps, Castle museum, Hollywood Bowl, Jarrolds, Ice Arena, Zaks and Quasar for supporting Charities week with prizes.
As part of a house competition and in preparation for charities week Mrs Nicholson ran a Christmas card competition and during the week we sold the winning designs for each house; all proceeds will go to our nominated charity.
 Congratulations go to:
Blakeney: Kate Storey 7BE
Holkham: Lydia De’Ath, Katie Wyatt, Ashleigh Senior, Alicia Tidy and Jacob Myhill-Musselwhite 9HE
Kelling: Hebe O’Rourke 7KE
Thornham: Callum Strainger 9TE
Winterton: Melissa Browne 8WW
Thank you to all students and staff who participated in Charities week 2011.
Becky Ricketts

Message from Mr Nixon

Welcome back and I hope you all had an excellent break.  The Staff Development Day on Tuesday was focused on quality lesson planning and self-evaluation and I emphasised the importance of teachers concentrating on their core purpose; “quality teaching and learning”.  I also highlighted the right that every individual student has to learn and that no-one, but no one, has the right to interfere with that learning.  Those that do will be removed from lessons and have sanctions applied, those that work hard will be rewarded.  Our role is to develop young people and give them the skills for adult life and this can only be done in a learning environment where poor behaviour is not tolerated either by the school or the parents.  The atmosphere around CNS is excellent, it is positive and vibrant and it is expected that everyone, without exception, is here to learn.