- 25/5/12 Year 11 and Year 13 Photographs final order day.
- 28/5/12 Year 11 start study leave.
- 4/6/12 Half Term starts.
Wanted – Second hand uniform
CNS School Council have set up a second hand uniform shop
but we need stock to sell. If you have any unwanted or outgrown
uniform including PE kit then we would really appreciate your
Message from Mr Nixon
Last Friday I attended a course in London which was excellent. That may seem an obvious comment to make about a course but it would be true to say that since 2005 when I first became a Headteacher there have been some courses that were so bad I walked out. On this occasion I was able to reflect during my return train journey as to why it was so good.
Message from Mr Nixon
Last Friday I attended a course in London which was excellent. That may seem an obvious comment to make about a course but it would be true to say that since 2005 when I first became a Headteacher there have been some courses that were so bad I walked out. On this occasion I was able to reflect during my return train journey as to why it was so good.
Firstly it was
grounded in reality and demonstrated to me that a number of the initiatives
suggested are already in place at CNS even if in some cases they are quite
embryonic - and yes we still have a great deal to do. Secondly there is a change theory highlighted
by Clive Woodward when England won the rugby world cup in 2003 (why am I, proud
Scotsman writing about this?) He said “you can change 1 thing by 100% or change
a 100 things by 1%”. The importance of
detail, a forensic approach was one that made me think.
My message is that
to improve or develop we do not always have to do something hugely significant
as a simple small change can also have a major impact.
Parent Governor Elections
I am delighted that we have 4 nominations for the two Parent
Governor vacancies on the Governing Body and therefore I am holding an
election. The ballot papers were sent home with students on Thursday 17th
May (and posted to Sixth Form) and are due back by 3pm next Friday 25th
May. Each parent is entitled to vote for 2 of the candidates. Please do
return your ballot papers as directed in the letter.