Friday, 26 October 2012

School Events week beginning 5/11/12 (Week 1)

  • 5/11/12            School starts after half term.
  • 6/11/12            6th Form Open Evening 1 19.30-21.30
  • 8/11/12            Year 10 Grades home.
  • 13/11/12          6th Form Open Evening 2 19.30-21.30

Uniform Expectations

After an excellent start to the new school year it appears that a few students are starting to extend the boundaries on the standards of dress expected. 

Students have been informed through assemblies and tutor time that there will be tutor checks every day when they return after half term. Tutors will be checking that uniforms do meet the clear guidance laid out. Rather than take up any valuable learning time your child may have to attend a uniform meeting at 3.05pm with a Pastoral Manager if their uniform does not meet the required standards. 

To support your child we have a large range of appropriate school uniform and school shoes which students may be asked to change into if their uniform is not acceptable. In order to maintain consistency of expectations across the school we do not accept any notes unless they are from a medical person. If you wish to discuss any issues with child’s your uniform, then please do contact the relevant House team Pastoral Manager. 

Please find the uniform expectations described below: 

Navy blue fleece, ‘V’ neck jumper or cardigan with school badge* 
Navy blue polo shirt with school logo*
Black smart school trousers –straight, bootleg or wide-leg trousers but not skin tight 
(No thick cotton, canvas or jeans material.  No leggings, jeggings or cropped trousers)
Black Skirt – Specified black skirt for Year 7*  
Years 8 -11 Black Skirts should be smart and appropriate for school, just above the knee and not in stretchy material.
Plain black sensible shoes or boots – no coloured logos, white edging or ‘ugg’/soft style boots (trainers will only be allowed with a medical note)
Tights – plain black- no leggings allowed

We appreciate your support in maintaining high standards across the school.

A group of Year 12 students attended the Energise Your Future event at the John Innes Centre last Thursday.  The event was designed to raise awareness of the importance of the energy industry in East Anglia and to promote the career opportunities available.  Students heard an inspirational talk from Caroline Rust of The Coaching Works about the importance of first impressions, confidence and communication as well as seeing a first class presentation from OPITO, the agency which acts as a focal point for skills, learning and work force development for the Oil and Gas Industry.   Students then had the chance to speak with representatives from a wide range of employers and training providers. A very interesting morning.  Any students who would like to learn more should please contact either Miss Spinks or Mrs Edwards. 

Message from Mr Nixon

Over the past few weeks it has been fantastic to spend some quality time celebrating with various youngsters who have achieved in a variety of different areas.  This has included cakes and refreshments with a number of students who did exceptionally well on their work experience at the end of last term. 50 students who joined me that break time, was an indication as to their commitment.   This was a great year for work experience and this group were quite exceptional.  

After their excellent performance at the Open Evening, I have celebrated with the Winterton Quintet.  

Soon after half-term I will be joining a group of students from 10HE who really impressed me during their Tutorial.  

Yesterday, as a result of their outstanding work and effort during an English lesson I observed, I have invited a year 11 English group to join me for cakes and refreshments. 

These are just few examples of the excellent attitude of our students and the unofficial way we celebrate and reward them in school.  

Jim Nixon