Friday, 9 November 2012

School Events week beginning 12 11 12 (week 2)

  • 13/11/12 6th Form Open Evening 2, 7.30-9.30
  • 16/11/12 Year 7 History Trip.
  • 21/11/12 'Kids Lit Quiz'
  • 22/11/12 Open Surgery

Message from Mr Nixon

Some of you may have been following the American Election? I think there are a number of messages that have come out of the USA.  One of the key themes from both candidates was the importance of moving forward and embracing change.  What I personally found interesting was just how close the election was and that success for the Democrats came down to a couple of percentage points.  This was also demonstrated during the various sporting events which took place over the summer; when success came down to tenths of a second. The Olympic cycling team often refer to marginal gains and examples of their success were based on one or two percentages. 

To improve by one per cent is something we would all consider to be achievable and there is clear evidence that this amount alone could have a significant impact.  A one per cent margin in an exam can be the difference between moving from a ‘D’ to a ‘C’ or an ‘A’ to an ‘A*.  I sometimes challenge people to improve by one per cent as it is not a daunting task, yet it can have a significant impact.

On Wednesday we had feedback from the Communications Group who visited the school and we welcome their recommendations.  We will be contacting you soon regarding a more detailed plan as to how to move forward.