Friday, 30 November 2012

School Events week beginning 3/12/12 (week 1)

  • 3/12/12            Year 11 Mocks start.
  • 6/12/12            Year 12 Parents consultation 17.30 Sports Hall.
  • 6/12/12            KS4 Theatre Trip.
  • 6/12/12            Year 11 Mocks end.
  • 7/12/12            Guidance Day 2
  • 10/12/12          6th Form Trip to BT.
  • 11/12/12          GCSE Clothes Show visit to NEC.
  • 12/12/12          Christmas Concert 19.30. Arc Auditorium.
  • 13/12/12          Cologne German Trip departs.
  • 14/12/12          Year 7 Reports home.

 Crafty Christmas Success!

Last Saturday the school association, CNSA, held its first craft fair in the Arc.  There were 18 stallholders from the local area, including 3 CNS parents, offering a wide range of gift ideas.  We hope that those who attended found some good Christmas presents!  As one of the stallholders said, “It was a nice change to find a venue that was well lit and warm with a friendly atmosphere. The music was definitely a bonus to create that happy feeling”.

CNSA provided festive refreshments including delicious mince pies made by 7E3, a gift wrapping service and the raffle; the 6th Form Young Enterprise team, Signed Design, was selling hand designed T-shirts and badges.  The Team said, “It was such a wonderful opportunity. In the end, we counted our sales and found out that we fared better during CNS’s Christmas Craft Fair as compared to the many other trade shows we attended! We are really grateful that the CNSA allocated a stall for Signed Design and constantly supported us throughout the whole event.   It served as an encouragement to do well and make CNS proud. Sincerely, thank you.”

The fair raised £300 for CNSA funds and a consultation process is currently underway with the School Council to determine how best to spend monies raised by the association.  We thank all the parents, students, staff and visitors to CNS who supported this event.
If you would like to see more photos from the Christmas Craft Fair please join us at the Parents Forum on 10th December!

Message from Mr Nixon

Year 11 Mocks
Experiencing something is often the best way to learn.  An experience can be described to you, but unless you have lived it yourself it can be difficult to really appreciate.   The aim of the mocks is to not only to judge the progress of the students to see how well they are performing, it is also allows them to experience what it is like to have a series of exams over a short period of time.  They are in fact practising exam techniques and revision strategies.  As a new dimension, and to ensure the students are aware of the significance of the mocks, the school is introducing the ‘mock results day’ on Friday 18th January 2013.  The students will not be told their results individually in advance but will receive them altogether as they do for their final results in August.  Staff will be there to support and advise students as they open their envelopes. This not only it gives students the experience of what the results day is like, it is also allows time for them to make any improvements if they are disappointed or to celebrate their success.

Year 10 Parents Evening
My thanks to those parents who attended the year 10 parents evening.  There was a real buzz about the sports hall and a great deal of positive comments.  Thanks also to everyone who completed the questionnaires; the results will be made available once they have been collated.