Friday, 13 December 2013

School News - week beginning 16th December 2013

Last day of term arrangements

Normal lessons continue throughout the day up to the end of period 4. There will be an extended lunch to 2.20pm. Students return to lesson (not form) after extended lunch, period 5.
Period 5 is cancelled for 6th form students ONLY.
Friday 20th December is a FREE non-uniform day with a Christmas theme, ie. Christmas colours, Christmas jumpers or fancy dress.

First day back: Tuesday 7th January 2013

GCSE Prize Giving (ex Y11)

The GCSE awards evening is taking place on Thursday 9th January at 6.30pm in the sports hall and barn. All of the class of 2013 and their parents have been invited.

The deadline to apply for CNS 6th form is Wednesday 18th December 2013.


if you still have online shopping to do for Christmas, please sign up to the CNSA page on the easyfundraising website, We will automatically benefit every time you make a purchase from a linked supplier such as John Lewis, Amazon or Argos at no extra cost to you.

CNSA Facebook page
We have launched a Facebook page, CNSA - City of Norwich School Association, so please go and have a look at some photos from our previous events and catch up on our latest news. 

CNSA Shelter
CNS has a new shelter.  It was paid for from money raised by CNSA supporters past and present and gives the students a new social area on the school field.  A photo will follow soon. 

Friday, 6 December 2013

School News - week beginning 9th december 2013

Message from the Headteacher

Not so long ago there was a programme on called 'Educating Yorkshire" which followed the real life trails and tribulations of a comprehensive. It was the talking point amongst some students and staff and although I confess to having watched a couple of episodes, I was keenly following a similar programme about another school; Harrow.

What intrigued me about Harrow was not the academic expectations but the demands placed upon these boys even leading up to major examinations. Of course, being a boarding school they are at school 24/7; nevertheless, they were expected to take part in inter-house music competitions, sports, public speaking and a whole range of other activities. In addition to this, the senior students would have to plan and arrange the training or rehearsals leading up to the event; it was relentless! What you could clearly see were the leadership qualities developing within the students and how they coped with the pressure.

I am not proposing that CNS becomes a boarding school but my message is that even in busy and stressful times such as sitting examinations, there is still time to be engaged in other activities; it is healthy. Our school musical production starts on Thursday and I hope you are able to come along.

Jim Nixon

CNS Debating Society take second place at Norfolk heat

On Wednesday 5th December, the CNS Debate Club took part in the Norfolk round of their first debating competition, hosted at the Norwich High School for Girls. Created by the Institute of ideas, the Debating Matters competition primarily concentrates on contemporary issues. The focus is on content and substance over style, encouraging young people to engage in an intelligent contest of ideas and holding up their ideas to critical scrutiny.

The first debate motion was this;
'The UK ban on using assisted reproductive technology for sex-selection should be lifted.'
Benjamin Durrant and Rebecca Casson were selected to argue for the motion against the Norwich High School for Girls. CNS put forward a series of sophisticated arguments against a very strong Norwich High team and won the first round.

On the final round against Langley School, CNS were again arguing for the controversial motion;
'Extreme views should not be given a public platform.'
This time Sam Griffiths and Kenji Newton took part. Again both teams were questioned in depth, but a formidable and experienced Langley team won to go through to the regional finals.

We are immensely proud that our team came second in their debut competition.

Sabrina Peck

Coming up this week:

Parents/Carers check your Echo newsletter email for more info

We Will Rock You, school performance - Thu 12th, Fri 13th, Sat 14th Dec
Science and Engineering Fair - Thursday 12th Dec
Y7 Christmas party - Wednesday 11th Dec

Dec 16th-20th : CNS Charities Week

Friday, 29 November 2013

School News - week beginning 2nd December 2013

Message from the Headteacher

As I watch the school move and pop into classes to see the students learn, i am never short of impressed. We are not only fortunate to have hardworking staff but also hardworking students. With such a crucial week for year 11, it is very pleasing to see them working so hard for their Mock exams.

Back in August, a group of year 11 students who were ecstatic over their GCSE results reported that part of what helped them do so well, was the Mock exams. it is not only how well the students do in the exams that counts, but also crucially, getting experience of the stresses and strains involved in the process. Teachers in schools are aware that the second or third time round provides some security and familiarity and that is all too important in the students' performance.

Jim Nixon

Important dates:
Y11 Mocks, Mon 2nd -Fri 6th December

We Will Rock You

Tickets for the school performance of the hit West End musical 'We Will Rock You' are on sale now from the school. £3.50 for adults, £3.00 for concessions and under 5's free.
Thu 12th dec, 6.30pm in the Arc
Fri 13th Dec, 6.30pm in the Arc
Sat 14th dec, 5pm in the Arc

Charities week

The whole school is involved in Charities Week which begins on the 16th December. This is unique to our school and encourages students to think about charity and the reasons for giving. They also take part in various activities and events across the week.
This year the school is supporting the charities Cancer Research UK and East Anglian Children's Hospice (EACH). These charities have been nominated by the families of former colleagues, Kathleen Mills and Christine Cook who sadly passed away this year.
Mr.Badgery has set up a just giving page so that you can choose to donate to the charity or charities of your choice online.

CNSA Event and News

Members of the CNSA (Parent Teachers Association) are holding an event at the school on Saturday 7th Dec. There will be a second-hand uniform sale, a Christmas card stall and seasonal refreshments. You can also meet the committee and bring any books you no longer want to donate to the 'Reading for Pleasure' scheme at the school.
Sixth Form Centre, 10.30-12.30

Bag2School  is a scheme where CNS receives money for clothes and textiles that are donated for recycling. CNSA has organised a collection for Dec 9th. Please have a sort out at home and fill a  bag with unwanted clothes, shoes, belts, hats, soft toys, curtains and bed linen - Bag2School will pay £500 per tonne.
Bags can be brought to school (SITE OFFICE) on Fri 6th, Sat 7th (am) and Mon 9th (by 9am). No pillows or duvets thanks.
For any queries, please email See for further details.

Monday, 25 November 2013

School News - week beginning 25th November 2013

Message from the Headteacher

What a cold and blustery week we've had! School is busy preparing for forthcoming events. Our expressive arts department are particularly busy in prepartion for the 'We Will Rock You' performance starting on the 12th December and with 'Charities Week' just around the corner, there is an abundance of students involved in the organisation.  You may see some of our students volunteering as bag packers on the check outs in Marks and Spencer's week commencing 16th December.

As I mentioned before, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama were in school on Friday giving sessions to our Key Stage 3 students, who as I'm sure you can imagine were very impressed. Our growing and exciting partnership with the Guildhall continues to provide oppotunities to the school and the local community.

Jim Nixon

Important dates coming up:

Thursday 28th Nov: Y12 Parent's Evening
Mon Dec 2nd - Fri 6th Dec : Y11 Mocks, Sports Hall/Barn


Monday 25th Nov:
American History Conference, hosted by CNS : Arc, Year 13 Historians, all-day.
Visit to Cambridge Guildhall, Sixth Formers.
DofE Bronze Group A: 1.20-2pm, room 62.

School Clubs on Monday
Junior Orchestra, 3.15-4.15, Room 204
Senior Orchestre, 3.15-4.15, Arc
Sixth Form Basketball, 3.15-4.15, Sports Hall
Volleyball Juniors, 4:30-6:15, Sports Hall

Tuesday 26th Nov:
DofE Group B, 1.20-2pm, room 62

School Clubs on Tuesday
CNS Funk Band, 3.05-4.15, Arc
GCSE Computer Science Club, 3.05-5.05, room 201
Badminton, 3.15-4.15, Sports Hall
Y10 Football Club, 3.15-4.15, Field
Y7 Football Club, 3.15-4.15, Field
Y8 Football Club, 3.15-4.15, Field
Y8/9 Rugby, 3.15-4.15, Field

Wed 27th Nov:
Y13 Drama Controlled Assessments, all-day
Y5/6 Winter Games, hosted at CNS, 4pm-6pm

School Clubs on Wednesday
Amnesty International, 1.20-2pm, room 17.
Christian Union, 1.20-2pm, room 113
Astronomy Club, 3.05-5.05. room 67/68
Lab Rats, 3.15-4.30, room 104
Y10/11 Rugby, 3.15-415, Field
Y9/10/11 Netball, 3.15-4.15, Netball Court

Thursday 28th Nov:
Guildance Day : Y12 and Y8 out of school
Year 8 Humanities Trip : Tower of London, Science Museum and Natural History Museum
Y12 Parent's Evening, 5pm-7.30pm

School Clubs on Thursday
DofE Group C, 1.20-2pm, room 62.
Dance 2, 3.15-4.15
Jazz Band, 3.15-4.15, Arc
Y11 and 6th Form Football Club, 3.15-4.15, Field
Y7/8/ Netball, 3.15-4.15, Netball Courts
Y9 Football Club, 3.15-4.15, Field

Friday 29th Nov:
School Club on Friday
DofE Group D, 1.20-2pm, room 62
Drama Club, 3.05-4.05, room 212
We Will Rock You rehearsals, 3.15-5.15, Arc

Friday, 15 November 2013

School News - week beginning 18th November 2013

Message from the Headteacher

One of the many pleasures of being a headteacher is watching our young people grow and develop; it is a particular delight of working in a school with a large sixth form. Life can be incredibly difficult with stress and pressure coming in all directions. I have always believed that an important part of being an adult is not only to model good behaviour but to work with the “emerging adult” that is in every young person. Some of them need more help and support than others; some seemingly go through the transition smoothly and with a smile on their face whilst for others it can be a struggle.

As a school we want our young people to be willing to take a risk, to ask those difficult questions because there is nothing to lose, to try something different, and look at a problem in a different way. It is all too easy to see things as right and wrong but to my mind life isn’t always like that. Regrettably we seem to live in a society where errors and mistakes are not forgiven. There are no longer “accidents” but “incidents” and you will sometimes hear on the radio that “someone will have to pay for this mistake. It is not that we remove accountability, far from it, but if we are to let our young people grow
then we need to understand and have empathy for those who have unwittingly made the wrong choice or said something they regret. How we respond will often determine another individual’s actions in the future. There is a quote – whose author I believe is unknown - which says:

“Never blame anyone in your life. The good people give you happiness. The bad people give
you experience. The worst people give you a lesson. The best people give you memories.”

We all make mistakes and it is those whom we treat courteously and with respect who will understand when we make a mistake. It is they, who are the ones who are most likely to give us happiness or memories. School should encompass all these qualities and CNS does just this.

Jim Nixon.

Calendar this week

Monday 18th: 
DofE Bronze Group A, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.
WWRY Rehearsal, 1.30-2pm. Room 213

Tuesday 19th:
Y12 Controlled Assessments, Drama.
UK Maths Challenge, 10am-3pm. Arc
Dof E Group B, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.
Governors Meeting, Students and Parents, 6.30-8.30pm. Skinner Centre

Wednesday 20th:
Football Fixture, Field. CNS V Great Yarmouth, County Cup. 2.15-4.15pm.
Dof E Silver Award 6th form Parent Launch Evening. 6.30-9pm. Arc.

Thursday 21st:
Sport Leaders Trip to Easton College, Y12. All day.
DofE Group C, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.

Friday 22nd:
Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui Workshop, 12-3pm. Arc.
Dof E Group D, 1.20-2pm. Room 62.
We Will Rock You rehearsals, 3.15-5.30pm. Arc.

School and Sport Clubs

Monday: Junior Orchestra, 3.15-4.15pm. Room 204. Open to any instrumentalist. J.Sunderland.
Senior Orchestra, 3.15-4.15. Arc, Grades 3+. J.Sunderland.
Sixth form basketball, 3.15-4.15, Sports Hall.
Volleyball (Juniors) 4.30-6.15pm. Sports Hall.
Tuesday: Choir, 1.20-2pm, Room 203. All welcome. J.Sunderland.
CNS Funk Band, 3.05-4.15pm. Arc, J.Sunderland.
GCSE Computer Science Club, 3.05-5.05pm. Room 201. R.Martin.
Badminton Club, 3.15-4.15, Sports Hall.
Y10 Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Y7 Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Y8 Football Club, Field, 3.15-4.15
Y8/9 Rugby, Field. 3.15-4.15
Wednesday: Amnesty International, 1.20-2pm. Room 17.
Christian Union, 1.20-2pm. Room 113.
Football Fixture, CNS V Great Yarmouth
Astronomy Club, 3.05p5.05pm, Room 67/68
Lab Rats, 3.15-4.30pm. Room 104.
Y10/11 Rugby, Field. 3.15-4.15 P.O'Brien.
Y9-11 Netball, 3.15-4.15. Netball Court.
Thursday: Dance 2, 3.15-4.15 E.Cook.
Jazz band, 3.15-4.15. Arc, Grades 3+ J.Sunderland.
Y11 and 6th form Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Y7/8 Netball, Netball Court, 3.15-4.15
Y9 Football Club, Field. 3.15-4.15
Norfolk Schools Korfball, 6-9pm. Sports Hall.
Friday: Drama Club, 3.05-4.05pm. Room 212. M.Carnwell
WWRY Rehearsals, 3.15-5.30pm. Arc.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at CNS

Cotswold Outdoor exclusive, CNS shopping and equipment talk.
Monday 18th and 25th November, Theatre St, Norwich, 6-8pm.
Two evenings for all DofE BRONZE students and their parents/carers to engage with equipment talks, try on kit and make purchases. all DofE registered students have 15% discount on non-sale items.
Monday 18th Nov - GROUP A & B
Monday 25th Nov - GROUP C&D

6th form SILVER award launch evening.
Wednesday 20th November, 6.30-7pm, Arc.
This launch event is for parents/carers and students who have successfully got a place doing their silver award at CNS.

Friday, 8 November 2013

School News- week beginning 11th Nov

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award at CNS.
KS4 Bronze Award groups begin meeting from Monday 11 November 2013.
Group A Monday lunchtimes 1.20pm in Room 62
Group B Tuesday lunchtimes 1.20pm in Room 62
Group C Thursday lunchtimes 1.20pm in Room 62
Group D Friday lunchtimes 1.20pm in Room 62
Cotswold Outdoor Shopping and Equipment Talk Evenings.
(Theatre Street, Norwich, NR2 1RG)
These evening shopping events will provide opportunity for CNS DofE students and parents/carers to listen to kit talks, try on the equipment and make purchases.
(All registered students have 15% discount)
6th FORM Silver Award
Students will be notified by letter regarding their application result.
There will be a Parent/Carer & Student Launch Evening for those who successfully register onto the award at CNS.
Follow us on twitter @CNS_DofE
Mr Lee

Important dates coming up
Wed 13th Nov : Parents meeting re: ski-trip, Arc 6-7pm
Thu 14th Nov : Y12 Controlled Assessments - Drama, all day
Thu 14th Nov : Y12 Open Evening. Arc and Study Hall, 5pm-8pm
Fri 15th Nov : Y12 Controlled Assessments - Drama, all day
Fri 15th Nov : GCSE Y11 trip, Slavo's Snow Show, 7pm-9.30pm

Key dates card
All parents/carers should be receiving a key dates card in the next few days. Please look out for this. It includes parent evenings, parent forums, when reports are published and key exam dates. For more detailed information, email

Y12 Open Evening
Thursday 14th Nov, Arc, 5-8pm

Message from the Headteacher
This week, CNS held a promotional event at the Forum and it was a real success! The event was really buzzing with both staff and students presenting and performing.  During the day there were drama and music performances, sporting demonstrations, 6th form presentations and art displays.  We were grateful to be joined at the event by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.  The school received a number of compliments from various members of the public.  

The winter weather can often bring a different perspective to life, dark mornings and early evenings, wet and windy weather, children spending more time indoors and increasing distractions (especially for the very young) in the lead up to Christmas.  However, it is also a good time to encourage activities such as reading or longer family evening meals as you sit around the table and chat.  Tables seem to have magic properties; ask your child what happened at school as they come through the door and the response is likely to be “nothing” but sitting at a table over a meal and the discussion suddenly opens up. 

Whatever you are doing, (fireworks maybe) have a great weekend.

Jim Nixon

Friday, 25 October 2013

School News, week beginning 28th Oct - 8th Nov

Message from the Headteacher

What a busy and long ½ term this seems to have been!  I know that staff and students alike are ready for a break.  

Amongst the many things that have been happening this past 8 weeks, was Thursday’s monitoring visit from Ian Seath, HMI.  Ian spent some time visiting lessons to look at the students learning and met with various different staff.  Although we do not receive formal feedback from this visit; Ian was very pleased with the way the school is heading and the progress that the students are making.  A great way to take us into the ½ term holiday.

I hope you enjoy any plans you have made for the next week, especially making the most of the ‘extra hour’ you’ll gain at the weekend.

Jim Nixon

Important dates coming up

28th October - 1st November 2013, October half term.

Mon 4th Nov, Y13 Geography trip to How Hill
Tues 5th Nov, Y13 Geography trip.
Tues 5th Nov, Y8 Football fixture, 3-6pm away at Thorpe.
Wed 6th Nov, GCSE Mock exam, 4-8pm,  Arc.
Thu 7th Nov, CNS exhibition at The Forum.
Thu 7th Nov, Law and Politics Court Trip.
Thu 7th Nov, UK Maths Challenge,  9-11am, Arc.
Thu 7th Nov, AS Students visit to Resistable Rise of Arturo Ai

CNS exhibition
On Thursday 7th November, there is an exhibition about CNS at the Forum in Norwich. The idea is to celebrate success at CNS and draw attention to the school and what it can offer students. There will be music, dance and drama performances along with an interactive science table and the chance to play table tennis with the sports leaders. There will also be art work on display, an information desk and a display of the history of CNS, including grammar school pictures, trophies from the 1950s and school magazines dating back to 1911.
We are there from 9am- 5pm so please pop in and have a look if you can.
Liz Humphries